For many people who suffer from the stress and anxiety specific to our times, yoga has become a refuge and an escape. There are more and more yoga classes to turn to for help, and if this great spiritual path emerged in ancient India, it is now all pervading in the Western world too. Who turns to yoga? Well if you feel like your life follows a boring pattern, if you find yourself trapped in emotions that you cannot fight against, if you feel burdened with negative thinking, yoga may be just the right answer to your problems. It helps one overcome social standardization, the incapability to assess individuality and guarantees free spiritual evolution.
Yoga is a great path towards self-discovery, for millennia it has now led people on the way to the hidden richness inside. From an etymological point of view, the very word “yoga” means the union of body and mind, the merging of thought and action, movement and breath, desire and intention. The techniques specific to yoga practices are so many, that one can hardly cover them all, not to mention experience. One of the most well known types of yoga is Hatha yoga that has proved more appealing to the practical nature of the modern man.
Yoga practices involve working with the body so as to transform the mind: this is actually considered the best way to achieving a balance between body and mind by the opening towards a positive energy flow. Regardless of the set goal – you may just want to lose weight or find inner peace – yoga works anyway since it opens the mind and body to the deep needs of the being. People who have been practicing yoga for quite a while know what an enormous resource of physical and mental energy our body is. Most often yoga improves one's mood, making spirits bright and allowing for the growth of an optimistic perspective on life.
From the common breathing techniques to the advanced physical positions that aim at the balancing of the energetic flow, the yoga practitioner will discover a new lifestyle. The first noticeable improvement of one who learns how to use breathing so as to achieve a relaxed state of mind consists in a great sleep quality. People who suffer from insomnia and various sleep disorders triggered by stress are actually the first to benefit from the relaxation achieved through yoga breathing techniques: they are easy to learn and can be practiced whenever one feels the need.
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