Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Drug Addiction Vs Alcoholism

A lot of people argue that alcoholism is different from drug addiction. But then, it is almost the same. Where the drug addict is addicted to drugs the drinker is addicted to alcohol. Both of them are addicted to harmful substances affecting their health and lives and the lives of those around them. The consequences and effects of both are almost the same.

Treatments for both these conditions are also pretty identical. Even though there may be a difference in the medications prescribed for both these treatments, the underlying philosophy followed to treat both these addictions are the same.

The only difference between these two is that they consider each other the worse affected of the two. While the drug addict may claim that alcoholism is worse than his habit, the drinker is convinced that alcohol is any day better than being addicted to drugs.

Little do they realize that the mental state and condition which has led both of them towards undesirable addiction and habit is identical. Even their behaviour towards their family, society and themselves influenced by their respective habits is identical.

All the conditions resulting from their dreadful habits are also the same. These include low or no self esteem, failure in all their relationships, lying and being dishonest without any reason, feeling guilty or shameful for their behaviour and yet not able to control their actions, resentment towards happy people and families, denial, etc.

Both these conditions can be treated effectively with the co operation of the afflicted person. There are various organizations and social service networks at work constantly encouraging alcoholics and drug addicts to take treatment and make a move towards improving the quality of their lives.

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