Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Alcoholism Treatment - AA’s Twelve Steps for Recovery

1. Admitting to oneself that he or she has a problem with alcohol which requires professional help

2. Firmly believing in a higher power which can help cure the condition

3. Decide to surrender everything to the power of God including our will.

4. Analyzing and assessing ourselves honestly

5. Admitting the results of our assessment to someone other than ourselves and to God.

6. Ready to allow God to work on removing our imperfections

7. Asking God to intervene and help us with our endeavour to become perfect.

8. Thinking of all the people we have hurt or harmed in some way or the other and trying our best to make up to them.

9. Directly approaching these people and making up with them.

10. Self assessment as a continuous process and making it a habit to admit our wrongs immediately.

11. Pray and consciously meditate in order to merge with the cosmic consciousness or God.

12. Once having attained an exalted spiritual feeling by following these steps, spread the message among others who need help and guidance.

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