Alternative treatment for alcoholism has gained in popularity in recent times. This treatment method involves combining both traditional and modern scientific methods of treatment for specific symptoms.
As opposed to treatment of other diseases alcoholism should be treated with extra care. Effort must be taken to create an environment which is free of stress, where the alcoholic must be placed for treatment.
Various rehabilitation centres around the world provide treatment targeting the whole life of the person in question rather than just the symptoms. This involves identifying the root cause of the addiction and eradicating the same.
Detox centres have therapeutic sessions where the patient is gently guided to open up his fears and concerns at the deepest level. This helps in identifying the root cause of the habit. A positive treatment plan is then worked out enabling the patient to come out of his habit and proceed towards leading a happy and healthy life.
Alcoholism can result from depression. In such cases treatment must involve a more intensive working on the mind of the person. Psycho therapeutic treatment programs are organized for these people which are an effective alternative treatment for this condition. This treatment works both at the addictive and emotional level of the patient.
Treatment at these centres also work on the family members of the patient. It is very important to educate the family on the treatment methods adopted and explain in detail about various negative approaches by them that could end in the relapse of this habit. The de addiction centres usually take the family members into confidence and treatment is provided with their support and assistance.
Spiritual guidance as a treatment option for the condition of alcoholism is also gaining in popularity. Spiritual belief can act as a major motivation for a person to give up his habit of drinking. Various meditation techniques taught by spiritual leaders of various organizations go a long way in helping addicts overcome stress and attain peace of mind thereby making it easier for them to give up their habit and start leading a peaceful and tranquil life.
Techniques include yoga, various types of meditations and trance. Meditation helps a person focus inwards thereby making the person drop his mind and become stress free and relaxed. When the person is happy and content with himself, he is no more affected by anything happening around him and he no longer needs anything addictive to feel happy, relaxed and peaceful.
A lot of people are going in for this kind of programs as they feel that meditation is any day better than medication. While medication is temporary, meditation gives one a permanent solution.
Trance work is also something similar to meditation. This helps the person focus his mind on contemplating deeper truths and provides the addict with great inner strength to help him overcome his temptations with relative ease.
Yoga which is very popular today is another effective treatment method for the condition of alcoholism. Yoga helps in effectively reducing stress and tension in a person and relieves him of anxiety. Yoga focuses on gentle stretching and brings about an effective harmony between the body and the mind.
Another alternative treatment which has been found to be effective is called the nutritional counselling. A lot of deficiencies related to nutrition arise due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
The body of alcoholic stops absorbing essential nutrients which helps the person in being healthy as his small intestine is no longer able to absorb the nutrients necessary. This is a consequence of filling up the system with alcoholic beverage.
Nutritional counselling can help after a person gives up the habit of drinking. Usually, he or she is evaluated for counselling and is advised on the diet to follow in order to get back to a healthy and strong life. This includes the balancing of the sugar level in the blood of the person who is on the road to recovery.
One more effective alternative treatment includes acupuncture. This has proved to be successful in many cases. Acupuncturists advise patients to take this as a support treatment along with other treatments.
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