This is no easy thing and is an amazing achievement. Nina has some truly fascinating stories and knowledge that she has gathered on her travels from all over the far east.
I'm very interested in all sorts of non- conventional health treatments as I had years of being stuffed full of anti- biotics by doctors for kidney problems and I don't think this is good for anyone.
So I embrace all these experiences from Bikram to Reiki, acupuncture and homeopathy.
Nina studied with one of India's leading Masters and was taught how to remove the blocked energy from chakra's and then re-energise the area.

At this point I have to admit I don't fully understand what chakra's are, or I didn't until it ws explained to me properly. I know Bikram Yoga is good for them and I always feel amazing after a Bikram class, so I was looking forward to more of that :)
Nina explained to me that everyone has chakras - there are seven, running from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They relate to the different organs in your body as well as emotions.

She went on to explain 'We cannot avoid coming into contact with negative energy or feeling down sometimes, but there is a lot that we can do to change our feelings from
negative to positive and to protect ourselves from harmful energy in the
I had an hour's treatment with Nina who made me feel instantly relaxed, I in fact was so relaxed afterwards that I could have had a lovely sleep. Without going into too much detail I had quite allot of blocked energy apparently!- what a surprise- and some issues..(again surprise) lol There was a crazy sensation of buzzing energy and I saw lots of crazy colours and things flashing through my mind. Apparently this is normal. There were also things that Nina felt and told me that were spookily correct about past experiences and people.
After my treatment I felt a weird sensation of happiness and no road rage driving home- unheard of!- I slept better than I had in weeks and I have been since.
I would say if you are tired, feel a bit down, unhappy or stressed out give Chakra Balancing a go. Nina is a really interesting and knowledgeable in this field and makes it all a very easy pleasurable experience. She is also completely fascinating!
The lovely Nina Samuel- Camps
A 1 hour session of Chakra ballancing is £60
Nina is also a qualified yoga instructor who teaches private classes, goes into companies to teach yoga and one to one training.
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