Selasa, 04 November 2008

How to Get Rid Of Bad Breath

If you notice people generally avoiding you whenever you are around, then it is high time that you assess yourself and find out what is wrong about you? Have you been aware about your breath? Maybe you got bad breath that’s why they never get physically close when people talk with you. Bad breath, medically called as halitosis, can significantly affect your social life, so don’t allow it to become a hindrance to you.

If your bad breath is causing you embarrassment already, it is not going to do you good in any aspect. Psychologically and emotionally, it’s bound to disturb you until you lose your confidence. That is going to be very bad since a person with less confidence seldom succeeds and gets happy in life. So before all these terrible things happen to you, be sure to check on some of the ways on how to get rid of bad breath:

1.) Before anything else, you should the right thing by consulting your dentist or physician. Bad breath is usually developed when one indulges in poor hygiene habit; however, there are more cases wherein the condition is the result of some medical conditions. Therefore, checking with your physician will help you to assess what is the cause of your halitosis.

2.) Stick to your proper dental hygiene everyday. Brushing every after meal helps take away food and drink debris, which turn into bacteria inside the mouth causing bad breath to occur. Most dental hygienists recommend brushing in the morning and at night before retiring but some prefer to do it every after meal to stop any chances for the debris to turn into bacteria.

3.) Floss at least at night. Brushing alone does not completely remove all debris in the mouth. Flossing removes food particles stuck in between teeth; thus, inhibiting them from growing into germs.

4.) Brush tongue too. Experts say that most of the germs convene on the tongue. That is the reason why it is as much important scraping your tongue off with dirt as brushing teeth. There are tongue scrapers available in store, but you can use your toothbrush as well.

5.)Use mouth wash. There are anti-bacterial mouth wash available in stores. You can use it as after-brushing rinse to completely clean your whole mouth. Brushing and flossing are good for removing food particles in between teeth, but they don’t clean the other parts of the mouth. Most use mouth wash not only to kill bacteria in the mouth but also for that lingering fresh smell.

However, if bad breath still persists only after a brief time, there is really something wrong. Once again, checking your dentist or physician is the best thing to do.

6.) Don’t smoke. Needless to say, smoking tobacco or cigar is one of the biggest contributory factors to bad breath. It does not only make your breath smell foul but also ruins your teeth.

7.) Drink and drink water. Doing this does a lot of benefits to your body. That is already a fact. Don’t you know that it can prevent bad breath too? That’s because by keeping your mouth moist with water, it inhibits it from becoming dry; hence, keeping those germs away.

If you practice these things, bad breath will never be an issue hampering your social life. But remember that these things listed above are meant for those who have simple cases of bad breath. Chronic ones must be treated according to the recommendation of the medical experts as they can be more serious than expected.

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