Kamis, 27 November 2008

How to Cure High Blood Pressure?

Normal blood pressure for an adult is usually stated to be 120/80, which simply means that the pressure while the heart is in contraction corresponds to the pressure of a column of mercury 120 millimetres high and while it is relaxed, to a column of mercury 80 millimetres high. Blood pressure tends to increase as a person grows older. Sustained pressures above 140 are considered abnormal, regardless of age.

Besides age there are many other factors that cause high blood pressure, but not all of them are known. Habitual over­eating, even of wholesome foods, is one of them. Certain toxic agents which may come from food and drink, such as are found in high fat diets, tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol may influence blood pressure. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, gout, asthma, goiter and kidney diseases, are also common causes of increased blood pressure. The stress and strain of modern life may also be included in the list.

People in all stations of life are likely to get high blood pressure. It is found, however, more frequently among the well to-do than among the poorer classes who have to subsist on more meagre diets.

The signs and symptoms of high blood pressure vary great­ly. Overweight, a ruddy complexion, and apparently robust health may be the only outward manifestation. There may also be dizziness, aching or throbbing of the head, ringing in the ears and other disagreeable sensations.

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

A number of medicines have been developed to reduce blood pressure but they must be taken only under the direction of a physician. Sometimes they may reduce the blood pressure to the point of fainting, and proper precautions must be taken.

The most important treatment is that of reducing the weight of the patient if it is above normal. Even cutting down the size of his meals may, in a few days, reduce his blood pressure appreciably. A low salt diet is definitely indicated in this dis­ease also.

Eating large meals is a habit among many overweight persons. Even some who are normal in weight would do well to avoid over-eating. Tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco must be strictly avoided. Plenty of rest and freedom from worry are essential.

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