Kamis, 27 November 2008

How to Cure High Blood Pressure?

Normal blood pressure for an adult is usually stated to be 120/80, which simply means that the pressure while the heart is in contraction corresponds to the pressure of a column of mercury 120 millimetres high and while it is relaxed, to a column of mercury 80 millimetres high. Blood pressure tends to increase as a person grows older. Sustained pressures above 140 are considered abnormal, regardless of age.

Besides age there are many other factors that cause high blood pressure, but not all of them are known. Habitual over­eating, even of wholesome foods, is one of them. Certain toxic agents which may come from food and drink, such as are found in high fat diets, tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol may influence blood pressure. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, gout, asthma, goiter and kidney diseases, are also common causes of increased blood pressure. The stress and strain of modern life may also be included in the list.

People in all stations of life are likely to get high blood pressure. It is found, however, more frequently among the well to-do than among the poorer classes who have to subsist on more meagre diets.

The signs and symptoms of high blood pressure vary great­ly. Overweight, a ruddy complexion, and apparently robust health may be the only outward manifestation. There may also be dizziness, aching or throbbing of the head, ringing in the ears and other disagreeable sensations.

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

A number of medicines have been developed to reduce blood pressure but they must be taken only under the direction of a physician. Sometimes they may reduce the blood pressure to the point of fainting, and proper precautions must be taken.

The most important treatment is that of reducing the weight of the patient if it is above normal. Even cutting down the size of his meals may, in a few days, reduce his blood pressure appreciably. A low salt diet is definitely indicated in this dis­ease also.

Eating large meals is a habit among many overweight persons. Even some who are normal in weight would do well to avoid over-eating. Tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco must be strictly avoided. Plenty of rest and freedom from worry are essential.


The Pin PUVA stands for psoralens - chemicals that make the skin sensitive to light - while the UVA refers to long­-wave ultraviolet light.

PUVA was introduced as a form of therapy in the 1970s and designed as a treatment for psoriasis. Today the treatment is used for a wide range of skin conditions. The precise method in which PUV A works is still uncertain. It may be that PUV A simply inhibits the proliferation of epidermal cells or it may be that there is some complex immunological mechanism involved.

When PUVA treatment is being used, the psoralens can either be taken by mouth or rubbed on to affected areas of the skin. The ultraviolet light is then shone on to the skin. The main side-effects are nausea and some skin burning. There is also the disadvantage that the patient has to attend hospital quite often. The advantage with PUV A, however, is that it is pleasant, it isn't at all messy, and it is remarkably effective.

Senin, 24 November 2008

How Home Fitness Training Benefits The Body

Home fitness training is an important type of exercise for many people because it provides a number of different benefits to the body while allowing the person to move at their own pace and exercise at their convenience. Many experts have been talking about the benefits of home fitness personal training for years and learning how to do the exercises correctly improves the lives of millions of people each year. Knowing what benefits the home fitness training provides to the body may make many people more inclined to exercise on a regular basis.

Ways Home Fitness Training Improves The Body

One of the biggest benefits of home fitness training is the way that it increases the person's flexibility. If the exercises are completed properly, many of the muscles in the body will be strengthened and the tendons securing the muscles to the bones will increase in strength as well. People that exercise on a regular basis have a decreased risk of muscle strains and sprains because the muscles of the body are used to maneuvering in different directions. Using home fitness training regularly can make the muscles and tendons flexible enough to withstand most types of sudden movement that generally cause damage to the body.

Frequent sessions of home fitness training can also increase the person's strength by regularly working the muscles in the body. Because home fitness training can be used as a low impact exercise, it can be appropriate for people of all ages. Many seniors and individuals with limited mobility use home fitness training as a way to regain lost strength and rebuild their muscles. The exercises can also be used for older children that may be overweight or those who would like to gain strength and flexibility to play a sport or participate in a specific type of fitness session.

Home fitness training is one of the few types of exercising that provides benefits to the entire body, regardless of the length of the exercise session or how frequently the movements are completed. Doing the exercises frequently will provide a bigger benefit and faster results, but even moderate home fitness training can improve the health of the person doing the exercises and give their body more mobility. The benefits associated with these exercises are a great reason for everyone to exercise on a regular basis. There are many ways for a person to find ways to incorporate home fitness training into their daily activities and improve their quality of life.

The Benefits Of A Great Home Fitness Exercise System

There are many health benefits that can be realized by using a home fitness exercise system on a regular basis. A home fitness routine is an easy way for a person to get the exercise that they need and is recommended by many experts as a way to regain lost flexibility and protect a person from stress injuries. A home fitness exercise system will only be effective if the person is doing the exercises correctly, so it is very important for the person to observe what they are doing carefully to make sure that they are doing each movement properly and getting the best out of their workout.

The Benefits Of Increased Flexibility

One of the greatest benefits of using a home fitness exercise system is increased flexibility in the muscles of the body. If each muscle is stretched on a regular basis, then the person will retain the amount of flexibility that they are currently experiencing and will increase their flexibility as the exercises become more routine. When the person forgets to exercise for long periods of time, then the amount of flexibility that they enjoy can decrease dramatically and it is difficult to regain flexibility that was lost without a great deal of hard work.

A home fitness exercise system can help a person prevent many of the common injuries that occur in everyday life. People that have a good level of flexibility are much less likely to strain muscles, twist ankles, or pull ligaments because the body is used to different types of movements in a number of different directions at once. People that routinely use a home fitness exercise system also experience less joint pain because they are constantly rotating each of the joints in their body during their routine.

Muscles that have increased flexibility are healthier because blood flow is increased within the muscles which feeds the muscles what they to increase their strength. A specialized home fitness exercise system, such as the ones used in physical rehabilitation, can increase the strength of a particular muscle group dramatically in a matter of weeks if the person is truly dedicated to doing the exercises. For most people, overall flexibility is the goal that they are shooting for and they choose a home fitness exercise system that targets multiple areas of the body during their workout.

A home fitness exercise system can help a person feel healthier and more confident about their body, whether it is creating a more desirable appearance or increasing the person's strength. It is recommended that the home fitness exercise system be used at least three times a week for the person to receive the greatest benefit from their workout routine.
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Extreme Home Fitness Guide & Nutrition Plan: Important Exercises and Foods

Coming up with your own extreme home fitness guide & nutrition plan certainly does not have to be difficult, even if you have no idea what you are doing at first. You can get a professional to help you along the way here, but you really don’t need it. You can create your home fitness nutrition plan all on your own with a few helpful tips, which will be discussed in more detail for you here.

The First Step

There are a few things that you are going to want to think about first, namely if you have any food allergies or other issues that are going to play an important role here. After all, you need to be aware when you are trying to come up with your diet plan for your extreme home fitness guide & nutrition plan which foods you can and cannot eat.

Another tip for creating your extreme home fitness guide & nutrition plan is to think about what problem areas you have on your body. Of course when it comes to exercise in your extreme home fitness guide & nutrition plan you want to work out your whole body so that you are in the best general health, but if there are certain areas on your body that you know you are going to have to work extra hard on, such as your hips or thighs, then you are going to want to find exercises that focus solely on these areas.

When to get Help

If you find that you are having difficulties coming up with an extreme home fitness guide & nutrition plan or just want to make sure that you are getting all the necessary details, maybe the best idea for you will be to get a professional to help you out here.

Whether you get the assistance of a nutritionist, personal trainer or both, this will be very useful to you. All you need to do is tell them any food allergies you may have, food preferences, what areas of your body bother you the most, any health problems you have, and so on, and they will be able to create a personalized diet and/or workout plan for you.

This will be more than worth it in the end, when you are healthier and look and feel better about yourself. Everyone should be concerned with their health and you really need to take the first step yourself.
Visit Here for More Body Fitness Articles

What is Psoriasis and Treatment for Psoriasis

This affects about two per cent of the population. It can start as early as the age of seven, seems worst during early adulthood but can start at almost any time of adult life. A patient of mine once complained that she had dandruff of the elbow and her description was remarkably accurate: psoriasis does look like dandruff. The skin is usually white and flaky and small dusty scales come off the skin's surface at the slightest touch.

Just why psoriasis develops is still something of a mystery. Under normal circumstances the skin is continually producing new cells to replace old ones. In psoriasis the skin produces new cells far too quickly with the result that older cells are pushed off the surface at an unusually rapid rate, prematurely exposing the pink, still raw layer of newly formed, young replacement cells.

Although we don't know why psoriasis develops we do know that it can be triggered by severe accidents, general infections or stress. Someone who already has psoriasis will almost always find it worsens when they are worried.

Psoriasis is not contagious but it can be inherited, and the likelihood increases with the number of close relatives who have the disease. If one parent is a sufferer then the chances of a child having psoriasis are about one in ten. If both parents have psoriasis, the chances of a child becoming a sufferer are more likely to be fifty-fifty.

The patches of white scaly skin which make up psoriasis (known as psoriatic plaques) may be only the size of a small coin or larger than palm size. These patches can occur anywhere on the body but most commonly on the knees and elbows or on the scalp. (Incidentally, although there is a resemblance between dandruff and psoriasis the two conditions are not the same and there is no link between the two.)

It is possible to get psoriasis on the palms of the hands, on the soles of the feet and on the face. In about ten per cent of sufferers there is also some joint involvement, with sufferers complaining of a type of arthritis. Although officially called psoriatic arthritis this is very similar to rheumatoid arthritis, most commonly affecting the joints of the hands and feet.

About a third of all psoriasis sufferers show signs of it on their finger or toe nails - the precise symptoms vary but there can be pitting of the nails, discoloration and thickening. Sometimes the condition is mistaken for a fungal infection.

Treatment for Psoriasis

Because the cause of psoriasis is still something of a mystery the treatment is a bit of a problem too. It is known that psoriatic patches tend to improve when the sufferer relaxes or goes on holiday - and it is now also clear that, whereas psoriasis is made worse by extremes of heat and cold, it can be quite dramatically improved by some pleasant sunshine.

Among the most useful prescribed remedies are PUVA, dithranol (a synthetic substance available as a cream or ointment which inhibits the production of new cells in the outermost layer of skin), various tars (rather messy, unpleasant and unpopular) and a vitamin A deriva­tive. Steroid creams used to be popular for the treatment of psoriasis but most dermatologists now believe that they are not suitable for this purpose because psoriasis is an incurable disease and may go on for many years, and continued treatment with steroid creams can cause other severe skin problems. Nevertheless, steroids are used for short-term treatment where psoriasis has resisted other forms of treatment.

Psoriasis does not kill but it can cause great distress. There are, around the world, some excellent organizations for sufferers from the disease and I suggest that anyone with the problem join their nearest association. They will, in this way, obtain encouragement and support from fellow sufferers as well as new information about the disease as it becomes available. Your doctor will know the relevant address.

How Do Pheromones Work?

A pheromone is a chemical scent that is released by one human being and designed to have an effect on another. We all produce pheromones and it is these that make us particularly attractive to members of the opposite sex.

All sorts of strange facts have emerged from research into pheromones. It has been shown, for example, that when women work closely together their menstrual periods become synchronized, and it is thought that this is a result of pheromonal activity. It is also known that, when they ovulate, women produce particularly attractive pheromones.

Just how useful pheromones can be is something that the scientists are still working on. Meanwhile, perhaps we should be content to keep ourselves clean and fresh and rely on our natural pheromones to make us attractive instead of spending money on perfumes. The real irony here is that some perfume ingredients are manufactured out of animal pheromones - musk, for example.

How to Deal with Nappy Rash?

Nappy rashes tend to be red, rough and rather scaly and, as the name suggests, they are usually confined to the area of skin covered by the nappy. They are sometimes caused by contact between urine and the skin and sometimes by the detergents in which nappies are washed.

Deal with Nappy Rash

If a nappy rash does develop, expose the rash to the air as much as possible. It is also important to ensure that nappies are washed often and thoroughly, and rinsed well. Nappies need to be changed frequently and waterproof pants (which tend to retain urine) should be avoided whenever possible. I know that disposable nappies or nappy liners are expensive but they are very useful, particularly if a rash has already developed.

There are quite a number of special ointments and creams available for the treatment of nappy rash but the best substance to use is one of the simplest and one of the cheapest: zinc and castor oil ointment.

Jumat, 14 November 2008

How to Heal Sunburn Quickly?

The first signs of skin burning are usually reddening and a feeling of tightness. There mayor may not be swelling and blistering too. As soon as these signs are recognized it is vitally important to get out of the sun straightaway, and to stay out of the sun. Any more sun on damaged skin only makes matters worse.

Cool drinks should be taken to replenish body fluids, blisters should not be burst but skin discomfort should be alleviated with either a moisturizing cream or calamine lotion.

More severe sunburn needs to be treated as burns. This means that the burnt area should be immersed in cold water and kept there for as long as possible - certainly, at least ten minutes. Medical help should be sought if the burn is severe, widespread, or accompanied by any other symptoms.

Selasa, 04 November 2008

Moles, Warts and Skin Tags: An Introduction

In general, moles, warts and skin tags are infections attached to the skin that are usually caused by viruses that has the capability to produce lumps on different parts of the body or even on the soles of your feet.

To differentiate, there are different reasons and characteristics that each skin infection posses. Skin tags can be characterized as bumpy or irregular and can have a fleshy color while other features tend to become pigmented depending on the part of the skin. Moles are harmless dark pigmentation on the skin while warts are granular protrusions that overlap over the other.

These main characteristics help you determine the difference between one infection from the other. By knowing these facts, you can easily know how to manage or treat each skin manifestation in an individual manner.

A broader view

Moles – dark spots found on the human integumentary system that peeks out naturally which can be caused by too much sedimentation of melanocytes in one part of your skin and tends to produce pigmentation which results to your mole. Moles, in majority, can become benign but is not necessarily considered to be cancerous although there are occurrences that moles can lead to melanomas which are known as a skin cancer. When this happens, the melanoma must be immediately removed.

Moles vary in size and shape which can be flat, raised or even smooth and some can show hair growth. Moles don’t have the tendency to hurt or itch when touched and they are typically harmless although, because of the possibility that some moles can develop in melanomas, as soon as one feels that the mole produces signs of infection, he must consult a doctor at once.

Warts – rough, small tumors, warts usually appear on the feet and hands. Because of the viral infection that is known as Human Papilloma Virus or HPV, warts is considered to be contagious by contact of an infected person by the use of personal things like shirts or towels. A wart is not considered to be dangerous and has the tendency to disappear in a couple of months.

Because warts can be transmitted from person to person contact, infection is probable. If one is sexually active and he or she has warts on the genitals, the person is a candidate for genital wart infection and should be treated immediately.

Skin tags – benign, harmless, and small tumors that appear on parts of skin surfaces like armpits, groin and eyelids, skin tags can range from grain size to sizes of golf balls. Skin tags are due to bunches of blood vessels and collagen encapsulated inside a thick piece of human skin. For this reason, skin tags should cause no alarm although some find it quite unattractive and may cause bleeding when rubbed by clothing or irritation occurs. One can get rid of skin tags through medical interventions like burning or cutting it.

Some of the causes of skin tags are particular drugs and pills like steroids which are effective in bodybuilding, hormones and injection of insulin.

In order to manage moles, warts and skin tags, one must seek proper treatment to skin specialist in order to advise you on the right intervention. One must also change lifestyle and diet because some skin infections are due to a deficiency in potassium intake, vitamins and minerals.

Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags – How to Remove Them

Do you have unwanted moles, warts, and skin tags? If you do, don’t fell depressed because there are ways to remove them. These things are skin lesions and most of them are non cancerous or benign and if you find them irritable, painful, and an ugly thing, you can have them removed.

The most common way to remove moles, warts, and skin tags is through surgical procedures but there are still other methods being employed. Some moles that change in color or shape may be cancerous and the doctors may advise you to undergo a surgery. Oftentimes, patients are referred for biopsy wherein the sample of a lesion is examined in the laboratory.

For relatively small and harmless moles, warts, and skin tags, it can be removed by using a certain liquid gas or smearing on a certain substance. The gas or substance freezes the lesion thereby making it easier to remove. Larger skin lesions are cut off surgically. You don’t need to stay overnight at the hospital because the surgical operation is unobtrusive.

Obtrusive operations require local anesthetic to remove the moles and warts. The area will become numb but you will not fall into sleep. During the operation, you will be awake. Several exemptions are done and the patient will be put under general anesthetic. After about two hours, you can already drive home but those who were under general anesthetic should ask someone to drive for them. You must also have someone near you for at least a day to monitor if you have drug reactions.

You can continue your routine activities after the moles and warts are removed. However, you have to practice extra care and you have to ensure that you don’t scrape or knock the treated area. Some patients feel pain or discomfort but you can take Paracetamol to numb it.

If the stitches in the area are non-dissolvable, you need to go back to the clinic or hospital. Observe the area every now and then to see if there is swelling, pain, or if a liquid oozes from the affected area. if these things happen, the area may be infected and so you need to consult your doctor immediately.

Surgical procedures are very safe and there are no harmful effects. However, the anesthetic may have possible effects so try to monitor the affected area for a couple of days. If the skin lesion removed was a bit large, it can create a permanent scar but the smaller ones can heal completely without leaving any scar.

Now that you know how the moles, warts, and skin tags are removed, consult your surgeon now. Only your doctor ca NH3-moles_warts_skin_tags_1n determine the best method to remove the lesions. Don’t try to prick the moles or warts to remove them because this can cause irritation.

If the moles or warts are cancerous, the more reason you have to consult a doctor. Visit your doctor now and see what he or she has to say. Cancerous moles or warts are treated differently and so if the skin lesions are suspicious, don’t hesitate to have them treated. Surgical methods can be a bit costly but many individuals are willing to spend lots of money in the name of beauty.

If you want to get rid of the moles, warts, and skin tags, ask your doctor about it.

Effective Remedies for Warts

Worried about irritating warts? There are a lot of ways on how to remove these irritating attachments from your skin. There are remedies that can be of big help and it’s not even close with the idea of removing it through surgical treatments, scraping it off with a knife or even applying acidic compounds just to rid of it. Causes of these are because of infection made by viruses that can produce small mass in different parts of your skin and even under the soles of your feet.

Here are simple remedies on how to remove annoying skin infections.

Remedy # 1
If you have a wart, no matter where it is located, soak it in warm water about 15 to 25 minutes and towel dry. Soaking effects using warm water is used in order to moisten and make the wart tender so that the next steps will be more effective than the hardened wart. When the soaked wart has been all dried up, apply vinegar preferably apple cider using a cotton ball on the wart then leave it for about 15 minutes. Wash off the vinegar applied with clean water then dry it.

Remedy # 2
Get an aspirin then dissolve it with small drops of water then apply the solution on the wart. After applying the aspirin solution, cover the area with band-aid. You can do this procedure at least twice a day most likely upon waking up and before going to bed.

Remedy # 3
Using baking soda that is dissolve in water, rub the mixed solution to the wart at least three to four times every day. You can also use gauze that is soaked with the mixture of castor oil and baking soda then apply it on the wart. For it to be secured from dirt and dust or any foreign body that may be the cause of infectivity, put a band-aid on the area then leave it for the night.

Remedy # 4
In order to get rid of ugly plantar warts, you can do it naturally by applying the pulp of a ripe or even a raw banana peel on the wart then, to avoid being in contact with any untoward foreign substance, cover it with a clean cloth or band-aid. Remove the application only when you are going to take a bath. Do the procedure daily for a couple of months and observe how far it has changed.

Remedy # 5
For warts that are years old, the best suggestion is by applying chewed cashew on the wart. Do this for a couple of days. You’ll notice that the wart is disappearing for about three to four weeks.

Remedy # 6
A dandelion stem can also be helpful in getting rid of warts. Rub the stem on the wart for two to three times everyday until the wart is completely gone which is for about three to four weeks.

Remedy # 7
Crushed garlic is also an effective remedy that can be rubbed on the wart three times a day until complete disappearance of the wart, still for about three weeks to one month. Mashing a garlic glove so that it becomes moist and pulpy can also be put on the area. You will notice that the wart starts to gradually vanish a night after.

These procedures are only few tips on how to effectively do away with the warts.

What Are the Importance of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Vibrant, healthy smile? You can always have it when you seek the professional advice and help of the many cosmetic dentistry practitioners in your place or even anywhere, just make sure that they are legitimate though. The importance of cosmetic dentistry is easily defined then. You see, you are born with beautiful and healthy teeth. But you are not going to stay that way because you eat and drink different kinds and colors of foods and drinks as years roll by.

These foods and drinks you choose to put into your mouth sometimes carry natural or manmade dyes that can stay on your teeth enamel. Brushing alone cannot completely take it away, and the harder you brush the more you are threatening to damage your teeth.

This is why cosmetic dentistry becomes very prominent. The demand for teeth reconstructions and restoration is very high, and the only way to compensate is to study and reinvent the industry. The reinvention of older procedures has proven to be better and more effective in terms of time and results. Whitening teeth is now available in much lesser time needed—one hour and you can already flash your eight time brighter white teeth!

Gapped teeth has also been a subject for reinvention so there are now reshaping and resizing of teeth that will help a problematic customer to gain properly aligned teeth in just a few visits to his/her cosmetic dentistry practitioner. All in all, cosmetic dentistry has proven to be useful in three ways:

1.) It established the science in learning and discovering more about teeth. Educating people who are very engrossed in saving a tooth have been the foundation of cosmetic dentistry. To date, there are more professionals practicing it, making people lives so much easier and better.

2.) Cosmetic dentistry has given back the confidence that is very important in a person to socialize. People who go to a date, party, or meeting can be very vocal when they know they can talk and smile net of the worry on how they will appear or how their mouth will smell. The teeth can turn a mouth sour especially when there are decays, although there are cases of bad breath that roots from the diaphragm of a person.

3.) It has proven scientific methods to back and support reconstructed teeth in all the years to come. Cosmetic dentistry is not only beneficial during and after the results have been gained, it spawns to years of maintenance to a saved tooth. People who have their teeth reconstructed are definitely in need of support even years after reconstruction. Since the teeth are just artificial, it needs more maintenance than the original ones. So support is definitely important.

With the bloom of cosmetic dentistry, there are less and less problems spawning from simple tooth problems. There are even lesser unconfident people that when asked, their non-confidence rooting from dental problems, bad breath for that matter. And because of these many places have become big-smiles places in the United States. So if you are one suffering from the same problem, simply look for a cosmetic dentistry practitioner and discuss what you want to be done on your tooth.

Expect that your chosen professional will assign perfect appointment for you. You will only need few visits, and then you can step into the sun and be one of the many big-smile people in the US.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

The benefits of cosmetic dentistry have spanned to making lives better. Imagine the confidence it can provide you the next time you go out on a date, a party, or a meeting. You will be able to smile wider and broader with the peace of mind that you are giving off genuine, great smile and nothing like your old shameful smiles. But how will you be able to achieve these benefits from the so-called cosmetic dentistry?

Well, it’s so simple and easy. You just have to find the right cosmetic to fix your crooked, gapped, and different sizes teeth. When you’ve got the perfect dentist for your need, you discuss what you want to have for a result. Then, you go under a treatment and you get the results realized.

Some of the most beneficial procedures being done in cosmetic dentistry are as follows:

1.) Teeth whitening. This will turn your teeth into eight times whiter than your old teeth. The procedure length will depend on the type of treatment you pursue. There are two for this matter: the laser and the gel tray procedures. The4 laser will provide the whiteness you desire right after the treatment while the gel tray will be for months. But even so, the results will be highly satisfying so indulge!

2.) Teeth reshaping and resizing. This cosmetic dentistry procedure will do wonders for crooked and uneven teeth. It can also close small gaps on someone’s teeth. It may cost big for the professional’s fee and time but the result will definitely be best.

3.) Dental bonding. This will take away all the decaying teeth you got in your mouth. A dental bonding works so much like reshaping or resizing although it concentrated more on fixing teeth and not on the shape or size. It is also worth the same as dental reshaping and resizing but you can enjoy results as soon as the visit is done.

4.) Dental veneers. Veneering is another option for dental contouring, reshaping and resizing, or bonding. You only have to put it over your teeth and enjoy the new set of even, whiter, and much aligned teeth it gives you. It also closes gaps if you have some gapped teeth. This also cost as the other two above.

5.) Dental contouring. This cosmetic dentistry procedure will provide you with even whiter teeth in less the time and cost. Enjoy results in the same price as the other three above.

Now that all the cosmetic dentistry procedures have been known to you, pick the right procedure to go through to enjoy the best results. If you think it is suited, you can go through one or two of these procedures. But of course, you have to find the perfect cosmetic dentist first who will be amenable to your desired results. As soon as you have already found one, you can now make a decision on which will be great for you with the professional advice you need.

This way, you will be able to be the best of who you are when out with other people as you don’t have t be shy of your teeth and of how you appear all the time. Be more confident and change your lifestyle with newer, whiter, and even teeth in a matter of a day or months, depending on the cosmetic dentistry procedure you go for.

How to Get Rid Of Bad Breath

If you notice people generally avoiding you whenever you are around, then it is high time that you assess yourself and find out what is wrong about you? Have you been aware about your breath? Maybe you got bad breath that’s why they never get physically close when people talk with you. Bad breath, medically called as halitosis, can significantly affect your social life, so don’t allow it to become a hindrance to you.

If your bad breath is causing you embarrassment already, it is not going to do you good in any aspect. Psychologically and emotionally, it’s bound to disturb you until you lose your confidence. That is going to be very bad since a person with less confidence seldom succeeds and gets happy in life. So before all these terrible things happen to you, be sure to check on some of the ways on how to get rid of bad breath:

1.) Before anything else, you should the right thing by consulting your dentist or physician. Bad breath is usually developed when one indulges in poor hygiene habit; however, there are more cases wherein the condition is the result of some medical conditions. Therefore, checking with your physician will help you to assess what is the cause of your halitosis.

2.) Stick to your proper dental hygiene everyday. Brushing every after meal helps take away food and drink debris, which turn into bacteria inside the mouth causing bad breath to occur. Most dental hygienists recommend brushing in the morning and at night before retiring but some prefer to do it every after meal to stop any chances for the debris to turn into bacteria.

3.) Floss at least at night. Brushing alone does not completely remove all debris in the mouth. Flossing removes food particles stuck in between teeth; thus, inhibiting them from growing into germs.

4.) Brush tongue too. Experts say that most of the germs convene on the tongue. That is the reason why it is as much important scraping your tongue off with dirt as brushing teeth. There are tongue scrapers available in store, but you can use your toothbrush as well.

5.)Use mouth wash. There are anti-bacterial mouth wash available in stores. You can use it as after-brushing rinse to completely clean your whole mouth. Brushing and flossing are good for removing food particles in between teeth, but they don’t clean the other parts of the mouth. Most use mouth wash not only to kill bacteria in the mouth but also for that lingering fresh smell.

However, if bad breath still persists only after a brief time, there is really something wrong. Once again, checking your dentist or physician is the best thing to do.

6.) Don’t smoke. Needless to say, smoking tobacco or cigar is one of the biggest contributory factors to bad breath. It does not only make your breath smell foul but also ruins your teeth.

7.) Drink and drink water. Doing this does a lot of benefits to your body. That is already a fact. Don’t you know that it can prevent bad breath too? That’s because by keeping your mouth moist with water, it inhibits it from becoming dry; hence, keeping those germs away.

If you practice these things, bad breath will never be an issue hampering your social life. But remember that these things listed above are meant for those who have simple cases of bad breath. Chronic ones must be treated according to the recommendation of the medical experts as they can be more serious than expected.

Importance of Bad Breath Testers

For something ordinary, many do not understand fully what bad breath or halitosis is. Or, they may be aware of it, but lack the real information why it occurs. Bad breath is not considered as a disease but this is where the problem lies. Many people don’t consider it seriously, so that when it occurs they don’t become aware that it has become their source of embarrassment to other people. If you don’t want to be affected by the negative things that come with having bad breath, it is important that you are aware of the importance of bad breath testers.

A bad breath tester will not only allow you to learn if you are infected with such condition but will stop you from being the talk of the town because of this disgusting issue. The bad thing about halitosis is it is often impossible to conceal the reactions of the people you are talking with once they got the whiff of its nauseating smell. The reason is simply that, it is nauseating that it is hard for the people not to wince when your breath reaches their nostril. And if you are talking in close distance to someone, it is simply embarrassing and disturbing particularly if you witnessed how they made their face.

Bad breath testers will allow you to spot if you are a sufferer. This is the most important advantage why you should not ignore the fact that even if you are confident you don’t have it, you need a bad breath tester. Many people suffer from halitosis but they are not aware of it. This is because one cannot easily smell their breath. It always takes someone for them to learn of the condition. It always has to be said to their face that there is something wrong with their dental hygiene because it is impossible to get whiff through your own nose.

But what if no one does that to you? What if all the people you encounter are just too embarrassed to tell you that there is something with your breath? And what if you are not conscious enough as to see the reason why they wince every time you speak so close with them? Now, that is a bad idea for these acquaintances will gradually get their distance from you. You don’t want to be affected because of this turnout. You don’t want to be emotionally and psychologically down because everyone seems to get their distance off you. These are all the more reason that you should consider bad breath testers an important part of your life.

The beauty of bad breath testers is that you don’t have to have someone do it for you, which can be embarrassing at most times. You can test your breath at home and when you find out you are suffering from halitosis, you can do things that will solve your problem.

If the condition is not chronic, there are at home remedies and products over the counter which you can apply to yourself to cure it. But after doing these at home remedies and solutions and the halitosis persists, it is time for you to consult a medical professional for there might have something wrong with your medical condition.

It is either that you have some infections or you have some serious medical condition such as diabetes, kidney problems, and others, which can all cause your breath to become foul smelling.

Bad Breath Causes and How to Avoid Them

Bad breath is not a simple condition that you can easily shrug off and pretend it is not there. Although it does not always cause serious dental and medical conditions, it can bring you more trouble than you expected. Bad breath is a perfect source of embarrassment and a condition that can lose your confidence. All it ever does is come out of your mouth and the whiff causes the people you talk with in proximate distance to cover their noses or back off a bit. Admit it. It is not only embarrassing but disturbing as well. This shameful circumstance can bring you psychologically and emotionally down.

Why bad breath occurs?

The most common cause why bad breath, or medically termed as halitosis, develop is when food particles linger in the mouth. These are trapped in between teeth, debris in the lining of the mouth and on the tongue. There are bacteria that keep themselves busy so as to prevent bad bacteria from forming. However, when you don’t clean your mouth and teeth to get rid of these particles, bad bacteria are immediately attracted causing them to form a community inside. Bad bacteria carry compounds which now cause your breath to smell foul.

The lack of water intake is another cause for bad breath. Dry mouth is where bad bacteria love inhabiting themselves about because of the less moisture for them to keep working on.

Smoking also causes your breath to smell bad. Not only that. It can cause tartar and plaque, another reason why breath smells bad, to build up.

Another reason for bad breath is infections such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, and other similar conditions. Infections carry themselves compounds which are absorbed down the mouth and cause the breath to smell bad. Aside from this, there are certain medical conditions that trigger halitosis such as kidney problems, diabetes, periodontitis, and others.

In addition, a person taking prescription drugs can be candidate as well for suffering from halitosis. There is a wide variety of prescription drugs, which when taken orally, cause breath to smell bad.

How to Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath can be avoided. One of the things that you can do is to practice regular oral dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing twice a day is a simple but effective way to avoid bad bacteria causing halitosis to form a community inside your mouth.

To clean completely your mouth and breath, mouth wash is also recommended. Since brushing and flossing alone do not completely vacuum your mouth with dirt, the rinse scrapes off any debris left around the lining of the mouth and tongue.

Tongue scraping is also a great way to prevent bacteria from reproducing and breeding grounds for bad bacteria.

Keeping your mouth hydrated by drinking water all throughout the day helps these bacteria busy working; thus, avoiding the breed of bad compounds.

Checking with your physician and dentist is a must once you are plagued with the condition. If bad breath continues even if you practice proper oral dental care, there is something wrong with your medical condition. If this is the case, the right person to diagnose and provide treatment is your physician or medical doctor.

Talking with your dental hygienist is a big step towards curing halitosis and gaining your confidence afterwards. Bad breath is never a simple thing to consider. If you don’t want to be affected by the negative things it comes with, take care of your own hygiene and check regularly with your physician.

Different Bad Breath Natural Cures

Who wants to have bad breath? No one, right? You will never dream to have such problem because you don’t want people to step back from you or maintain a certain distance when talking to you. The sad truth is, some people will even avoid direct contact with you. As you know discover that you have a bad breath, you better find out the different bad breath cures immediately.

Bad or foul breath, also known as halitosis, will surely interfere not just in your social life but also in your professional success. Good thing, this problem can be treated. In fact, the Center for Breath Treatment assures Americans who are suffering from this disease that there is now a highly effective cure for bad breath. But you should be aware first of its causes so your immediate family members and your close friends can avoid getting such problem.

Bad Breath Causes

• Dental Decay and Diseased Gums
This is the most familiar causes of bad breath. When the roots of your teeth starts to decay, the gums will have abscesses with smelly pus and this will result to bad breath. And do you know that even the small holes in your teeth are breeding grounds for germs that may also make your breath foul smelling?

• Throat, Nose, and Respiratory Tract problems
Yes, you read it right. The conditions of your respiratory organs especially your nose, throat and respiratory tract affects the odor of your breath. Chronic tonsillitis, lung diseases, chronic gastritis, and sinusitis also make your breath foul smelling. Other cases of bad breath are also caused by intestinal sluggishness, intestinal disorder, and chronic constipation.

Natural Bad Breath Cures

• Fenugreek Treatment
The use of fenugreek is proven to be the most effective home remedy for halitosis. The tea, which is made from the seeds of such vegetable, must be taken on a regular basis to remedy this problem. Here’s how you can prepare this tea: in half liter cold water, put one teaspoon of seeds and let it simmer in low flame for fifteen minutes. Strain and drink it as a tea.

• Avocado Halitosis Treatment
The avocado fruit is another effective cure for bad breath. It is far more effective than other mouth lotions and bad breath cures. Such fruit effectively eliminates intestinal decomposition or putrefaction, which is a common cause of foul-smelling breath.

• Guava Bad Breath Treatment
Unripe guavas are also effective in treating halitosis because it has malic, phosphoric, tanic and oxalic acids. It is also a source of manganese, oxalate and calcium. These acids and elements make the guava fruit an ideal tonic for gums and teeth. Bleeding of gums and teeth can also be stopped by chewing tender leaves of guava.

• Parsley Treatment
Parsley, as one of the different bad breath cures, is prepared by boiling two cups of water with coarsely chopped parsley and two to three whole cloves. If you will use ground cloves, you only need to put a quarter teaspoon. To cool, stir this mixture occasionally. Strain it and use as a gargle a number of times a day.

While these different bad breath cures prove to be effective, you should not ignore the simple ways to keep your breath’s odor at a tolerable level. Don’t forget to brush and clean your teeth at least twice a day, especially before going to bed. Remove meat particles using a toothpick. Your decaying teeth and diseased gums, on the other hand, must be treated by a dentist.

How to Cure Bad Breath Naturally?

For people suffering from bad breath, this can be a condition far worse than suffering from asthma attack. Why? Simply because bad breath stinks, literally and figuratively! If you happen to have this foul-smelling mouth condition, or in short halitosis, most likely you are not aware of it until someone points out there is some terrible smell lingering while you are talking to them in close physical distance.

But then, that is always the problem with bad breath. You never know you have it unless you are lucky enough to have someone tell you have it. But if you are less lucky than that, things could be worse finding out that you have it. If you notice there is something wrong with you when every time you talk, the people in front of you cover their mouths. That’s cruel for you, of course. Or, sometimes to make it less cruel, they distance themselves a bit from you to avoid that catching that stinking smell. But that’s a little cruel for you; and nevertheless, a hurting and embarrassing one.

So if any of the above situations occur, don’t let them allow you to retreat back into your closet. Never let them lose your confidence but instead find a solution how to cure your bad breath. There are many ways to counter the problems caused by having bad breaths, so you get up and start killing the reasons why you suffer from that condition. But what are the available ways to cure your bad breath?

First, be sure that you practice proper oral hygiene and you keep your mouth hydrated all throughout the day by drinking lots of water. Also, check with your doctor to find out if there are some infections you are suffering from. Sinus conditions produce infection bacteria, which causes bad bacteria compounds in your mouth; thus, the heavy foul breath smell. If you have infections, have them cured immediately. And while you are in the process of treatment, some oral mints, anti-bacteria mouth wash, tongue scrapers, and some bad breath kits can help to prevent bad bacteria from breeding foul odor.

Home remedies are also another way to cure bad breath. Certain herbs are the safe, natural, and effective methods which can easily put you out from your burden of carrying foul smelling breath. Some of these herbs which can help clean your mouth and breath are:

Herbal toothpaste containing neem extracts. This is a tree that yields gum and seeds that gives off aromatic oil. Extras from the leaves are used for keeping breath good smelling. The neem solution can also be used as a regular mouthwash.

• Coriander leaves can be boiled to yield good oral dental mouthwash. Aloe vera with honey and water is another good herb solution to cure chronic bad breath.

• In addition to peppermint, cardamom and cloves are good for mouth freshener. These can be chewed for the purpose.

• Edible camphor can be used if bad breath is caused by medical infections such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, or nasty colds. The camphor is a good throat stimulant and at the same time effective in melting clogged mucus.

These herbs have been used by the ancient people, so why not try them at your home? These are safe, cheap, and effective. But before you take this cure be sure that you consult first with your doctor or dentist to find the real score why you have bad breath.

Minggu, 02 November 2008

Sun Tanning Tips

Our skin contains melanocytes - special cells that produce melanin pigment when stimulated by the sun - and the melanin then provides some protection against further exposure to the sun. If a white-skinned individual spends a lot of time in the sun then his skin will go brown; if he then spends time out of the sun his protective suntan will become unnecessary and it will fade.

At one time, having a suntan was considered socially unacceptable. If you had a tan it meant that you had to work out of doors, that you didn't have servants to shield you with parasols, and that you were a rather inferior sort of individual. Today, a suntan suggests a life among the jet setters, travelling from topless beach to topless beach. And because it is now fashionable to acquire a suntan, thousands of men and women spend their holidays lying on the beach, soaking up the sun's rays.

If you are contemplating acquiring a suntan you should read these notes very carefully:

1 If you have fair or red hair and light blue eyes, you are more likely to develop skin problems as a result of exposure to the sun.

2 If you already have freckles, sunbathing will almost certainly result in the development of more.

3 The latitude, altitude, season and time of day all have an effect on the type of suntan you are likely to get. The sun is more dangerous when high in the sky, when you are near the equator or when the air is thin and relatively unpolluted, as it is on mountain ski slopes. Snow, water, sand and white buildings all reflect the sun's rays and make sunbathing more dangerous.

4 You don't have to sunbathe deliberately to get a suntan. Playing around in the water doesn't protect you from getting suntanned or burnt. Indeed, water reflects the sun's rays. Remember too, that while playing sports such as tennis, exposed areas of skin will tan or perhaps burn.

5 Clothing can provide much-needed protection in very hot climates. Broad-brimmed hats, parasols and long­sleeved, loose-fitting cotton clothes are most useful. Even if you are trying to get a suntan you should take care to wear the right clothing when not sunbathing, or you are likely to end up with an unsightly burn.

6 The best way to get a good tan is to build it up gradually, by sunbathing for a short time each day. Once the tan has developed, you can spend longer in the sun. If you are not careful, pale skin will easily burn.

7 If you are spending time in the sun use a moisturizing cream regularly and on all areas of exposed skin (the tops of the feet, the shoulders and neck are often forgotten).

8 If you want a total sunscreen (to keep out the sun's rays), try zinc oxide cream - this is a barrier cream. Alternatively, heavy foundation cream will help.

9 There is much confusion about what different types of ultraviolet light do. The shorter rays are known as UVB rays while the longer rays are known as UVA rays. Just which rays produce tanning and which do harm is something of a mystery.

10 Remember to reapply sunscreen creams after bathing or lying on a towel. Creams are easily rubbed off - and then you are exposed again.

11 Manufacturers give their creams 'delay factors' - so a cream with a factor of 6 will delay burning for six times as long as normal. These ratings aren't always uniform but they do give some guidance. If you have very sensitive skin, look for a cream with a high factor (10, 12 or 14). If you already have a tan, a cream with a lower factor will suffice.

12 Some creams contain 'accelerators' to increase the rate at which you tan. I'm not convinced that these are safe or worth the extra money. Don't buy them.

13 Creams designed to give an artificial tan are probably harmless enough but don't believe that because you have a false tan you can go out into the sun safely without protection. You can't. You will burn.

14 Do not sunbathe while wearing perfume. Blotchiness can develop and it may be permanent.

15 If you are taking any prescribed drug, be careful.
Blotchiness can develop and may be permanent. Antibiotics, contraceptives, diuretics and tranquillizers have all been shown to cause this problem.

16 If you have a dark skin and tan easily you should still use a moisturizing cream to prevent your skin from drying out.

17 The suns rays are very bad for human skin. They cause dryness, wrinkling, a considerable range of specific problems, and even skin cancer. There is now a considerable amount of evidence to show that people who live in very hot climates suffer from a wide range of skin problems directly as a result of regular exposure to the sun's rays. Sunbathing may produce short-term cosmetic advantages but it will almost certainly produce long-term skin problems (and cosmetic disadvantages).

18 If you intend to expose parts of your body that are normally covered (if you are going for a topless or even an all-over suntan) do be careful. You will need to pay particular attention to those very white areas. And do remember that such delicate areas as nipples can become very sore if exposed to too much sunshine.