Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

I forgot to post this the other day..My mate Kelis' new Video for Acapella

I have known this lady for more years than I care to remember, since before she took the UK by storm shouting I Hate You So Much Right Now...here is her latest offering 'Acapella'. It's been on my Mixtapes & Podcasts for the past few months and finally there is a Video.
As usual there is great fashion and Knight, K's newest little addition is in the Vid at the end :) The Video has taken the tune up a notch from Guetta's stark production. Kelis' song writing as always, is a catchy as hell and K has already had a number 1 in the USA with Acapella and just smashed it at this years Miami WMC.
Shouts to Kelis & Liz Mendez - original ravin crew

WMC RAW // Kelis from Arcade44.tv on Vimeo.

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