Senin, 09 November 2009

The ALL THE RAGE Concert, BEATNIK DJ NIKKI & STATIS, Janelle Monae, Rich Hill Boo Bonic & DJ Rashida & After- Party with Le Mirrors

Last week we (Beatnik, DJ NIKKI & STATIS) had the privilege to be involved with an amazing Charity event for Autism called 'All The Rage' organised by Sarah Jabarri from SMJ ENTERTAINMENTS. The launch for these music events was help in London at Cargo, with musicians flown in from all over the world.

All the artists performing on the night went down to Cargo during the day to soundcheck and there were already people setting up all the event production with huge photos of all the artists from the All The Rage photoshoot, where artists, dj's & interesting types were featured in the T-shirts to raise awareness for Autism.
STATIS, ME, DJ RASHIDA, JANELLE MONAE, DAMON @ Cargo Soundcheck, Wed 5th Nov, London 09

Our Pics & Logos ! :)

STATIS by the Graffiti @ Cargo
There were also 2 fantastic graffiti artists working on walls & canvasses outside in the garden at Cargo. One did some amazing signs for Sarah the event organiser and her company SMJ Entertainments...I love graffiti, so it was great to have them on- board.

Graffiti artist Jerrome Brown with his work at ALL THE RAGE

Beatnik , (STATIS & Me) had the great honour to open the show with me spinning a set from 80's to present day via electro, hip hop, garage & dubstep.
I did a special old scool hip hop set where a dozen of the world's top breakdancers had been brought in to buss some moves and get the energy flowing.
Some of the Breakdancers who tore up the dancefloor...

The night errupted into spontaneous crowd dance routines and everyone letting loose on the floor- mostly thanks to the great hosting and MCing skills of Paz & Lingo Scott.


A few more records from me & Statis joined me on- stage to do 4 Beatnik original tracks, Dusting, It Came From London, Get Down & D.O.A (check them out on our myspace or websites, you tube etc) with some 3 deck mixing and scratching from Statis & me in between

DJ NIKKI & STATIS, All The Rage, Cargo
after we came off stage....
DJ RASHIDA, Me, Statis & Damon

PAZ, Sarah Jabarri organiser of ALL THE RAGE with STATIS from Beatnik

The next act on was Rich Hil and Boo bonic who brought their laid back hip hop flow to London with a full band. FYI- these are some of the nicest guys you could hop to meet in music!
Rich Hil & Boo

The headliner of the evening was of course Janelle Monae who put on a spectacular show with her monocrome band of amazing musicians including Kellingo Parker (Maceo's nephew!) and Mike the amazing drummer. Janelle did a full set which included her painting a canvas during one of her songs and then throwing it wet paint and all out into the crowd! This was followed by some pretty fancy footwork and a stage dive!
I have to say Janelle who is sweet and quietly spoken in everyday life comes alive on- stage and is one of the best live acts I have seen in a long long time.

Janelle's Stage Dive!
Janelle's Paint brushes (above)
Janelle's Painting, done live on stage

Kellindo Parker- Guitarist Exraordinaire

The night was polished off in a lovely fashion by DJ Rashida from LA, my DJ brederin :) Rashida got me on the floor and kept me there, which doesnt happen often, she also has a great sense of style and shares my shoulder pad, gold & 80s obsession. She is a great chick.
DJ NIKKI Beatnik, DJ RASHIDA & The Legendary Damon from NY

(above- MC for the night, PAZ!)

Lingo Scott with Janelle @ Cargo

(below) My great friend Connie @ Cargo, with Paula from Bailey Hats who sponsored the after- party with Damon & rashida & gave out top hats to everyone! amazing...

The after party for the event was held the next day and hosted by SJM Ents & Le Mirrors a party thrown by the Legendary Damon from NY, Rashida & their friends Taz Arnold. These guys do a similar thing to my party in London Fashbashsoundclash, merging fashion & music with fabulous people & dj's.

The party was held in Cuckoo Club in London and was opened by a live set by Rich Hill & Boo Bonic on their 2nd show in 2 days to support the cause. We then all headed downstairs to the dancefloor, where Rashida and I span the night away.
It was alot of fun & I have to say a big big thanks to everyone involved in the event.

I hope we have done a little to raise the awareness of such a great charity & it's cause. It was a pleasure working with everyone!
Please check out the ALL THE RAGE website http://alltherage,info/
Big Love

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