Selasa, 30 Juni 2009


I was in Bahrain when I woke up to a text from my friend saying simply 'MJ dead' I sat all morning in my hotel watching footage from all over the world of people's reactions, the police in LA, the Apollo Theatre in Harlem NY, where people had gathered to hold a vigil, listen to Michael's music & dance in the street. it was all a bit nuts. I had separated the Michael Jackson I knew and loved as a kid from the later stranger MJ.

However many scandals and weird stories surrounded him in later life, one cannot deny his huge talent and contribution to music. He broke down barriers racial and musical all over the world and left a musical legacy that few could ever touch.

My thoughts went out to his family who had to give public statements attend the BET Awards and put on a brave face amongst their grief. From watching Jermaine and Latoya on Big Brother here in the UK, they honestly seemed like the nicest & most dignified people. I cannot imagine having to face the press after loosing a family member. Awful for them. RIP Michael.

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