Selasa, 02 September 2008

Trauma: It’s A Wolf Taking Over Your Being In The Garb Of Sheep’s Clothing

Trauma can best be likened to a wolf that exists in your heart and mind in the garb of sheep’s clothing. Much like in Aesop’s fable, the wolf, when it cannot get at the sheep that were being guarded by a shepherd and his dogs, decided upon coming across a discarded sheep’s skin, to don this new clothing and so was able to give the shepherd and his dogs the slip and could easily mingle with the sheep.

Appearances Can Be Deceptive

This made one of the lambs follow the wolf whom the latter soon devoured for his next meal and in doing so, found a simple way of deceiving the sheep, the shepherd and the dogs. Appearances can certainly be deceptive and the same is applicable for us humans. Often we are under the impression that we know the cause of things that make us struggle and in many instances these causes can even be very obvious to us. However, the truth of the fact is that we are, in many cases, unable to truly find out what is bothering us.

Trauma is one such thing and it is certainly very much like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You may feel quite confident and show this to the outside world; however, inside, you may be experiencing pain as well as be consciously as well as unconsciously hiding something – more often than not it is trauma.

Trauma is something that is seldom kind to you and it certainly is not tame and it can end up haunting you – often, without your even being aware of it because it is hidden beneath behaviors that are best described as addictive and these behaviors, like the wolf in sheep’s clothing, can take on a very different form to what they really are.

Trauma is often caused by abuses – both physical as well as sexual - and it can cause a person to behave much like an addict does. The conscious mind has to struggle to ascertain the true reason why a person starts to behave like an addict. In fact, addictive behavior is often a means to cover up the pain caused by trauma and this behavior can be motivated - both consciously as well as unconsciously.

For those who have or are suffering from head trauma it will pay to get a second opinion as this second opinion can help in saving your life as well as help you regain your independence. Otherwise, trauma, when left to its own devices, will overpower you with pain and will prevent you from overcoming your addictive behavior. In addition, it will certainly not allow you to live life normally and you will also not be able to maintain a healthy perspective on life.

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