Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

Silver Teething Ring

Many mothers are keen on using a silver teething ring as a way to relieve the pain and increase the comfort of baby teething. Much unlike other products used for the same purpose, such as gels and even biscuits, a silver teething ring has more advantages. First of all, there are no chemicals and no sugar ingested by your child, and then, a metal ring can be easily frozen.

There are large collections that include all sorts of silver teething ring models: some are larger, some smaller, with a variety of designs and shapes. Why silver? First of all, we are talking about a metal that is not affected by oxidation, then, it is well tolerated by the body, and it has a zero level of toxicity. Hence, a silver teething ring is not only useful but also very safe for the health of your infant.

The solidity of a silver teething ring is another issue to be tackled with. You need to keep in mind the fact that all choking hazard needs to be eliminated, therefore, beware all the design details when you buy such a baby product. There have been reports of accidents with children detaching some parts of the silver teething ring, and the manufacturing company had to withdrew all the items from the market.

One other issue connected with the use of silver teething ring is the aspect of potential dental problems later in life. Many parents are very much against giving their children something to chew in order to soothe; the reason for such concerns is explained by the possibility of creating oral fixations later in the adult life. Nevertheless, the big question remains about how justified such concerns really are?

A sterling silver teething ring is very often offered as a present for a new born, the high quality of the metal is a synonym for high class and elegance, on such occasions. Yet, when it comes to the actual use of the silver teething ring, hygiene is an extremely important issue; thus, every time you give it to the child make sure that it is perfectly clean. Do not keep the ring in disinfectant solutions as chemicals may be a threat for the health of the infant.

Last but not least, when the silver teething ring is dropped by the child, do not give it back to him or her before cleaning it. Very many oral infections are rooted in the incorrect use of the teething toys the child chews at. The health of your child comes first!

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