Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

Guidelines for Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery operations were first performed in Egypt several thousand years ago but it was only after the First World War, when anesthesia and antiseptics had revol­utionized surgery that the speciality really flourished.

The terrible burns suffered by airmen in the Second World War further intensified the development of this branch of surgery and today plastic surgery is well established.

The type of work done by plastic surgeons falls into two main categories:

1 Work to repair damaged, burnt or wounded tissues or to repair or restructure congenital malformations.

2 Work done to make an individual look more attractive. Operations which fall into this category are classified as cosmetic surgery.

There isn't usually any question about when straightfor­ward plastic surgery is necessary and the only surgeons practising this type of surgery on a wide scale are the ones working in orthodox hospitals. Cosmetic surgery, however, has attracted many semi-qualified practitioners and a number of private clinics have sprung up offering various services to clients wanting to look more beautiful. There are problems associated with some of these private clinics and the doctors who work in them.

One problem is that sales staff who have little or no medical training may try to encourage customers to have surgery they don't really need, and as some work on a commission basis customers are likely to hear only about advantages and not about risks, dangers and reasons for not having surgery.

Few clinics selling private breast surgery will, for example, warn their customers that as many as 50 per cent of these operations are unsatisfactory, with patients complaining of hard or uncomfortable breast tissue.

Also, those offering cosmetic surgery do not have to be medically qualified and if you visit a clinic without your GP knowing that you are doing so, he won't know what has been done to you. If things go wrong afterwards valuable time will be wasted while he finds out exactly what sort of operation you have had.

If you are contemplating having cosmetic surgery, I suggest that you read these notes first:

1 Ask your family doctor to refer you to a specialist plastic surgeon. Explain exactly what your problem is and what you want to have done about it. If your family doctor refuses to refer you, then you are quite entitled to visit any other local GP and ask for a referral.

2 Don't believe anyone who tells you that there aren't any risks associated with plastic surgery. If you don't get told about possible side-effects, ask to be told the disadvantages as well-as the advantages.

3 Decide in advance exactly what it is that you want changed and what you hope to gain as a result. You should not 'expect any major improvements in your sex life, social life or economic status as a result of such an operation. If you do, then you will probably be disappointed. Nor is it wise to have cosmetic surgery in order to try to save a failing romance or friendship.

4 Talk to anyone you can find who has had a surgical operation of the kind you're contemplating.

5 Talk to your family and relatives, to find out whether any of them have ever suffered from 'keloid'. If there is a family history of keloid, you should forget the idea of cosmetic surgery.

6 Remember that plastic surgeons can only achieve minor miracles.

7 If you are paying for an operation do not borrow money or spend more than you would squander on a holiday or some similar extravagance. If you go into debt to pay for plastic surgery, you are unlikely to be satisfied by the results.

Occupational Skin Disorders

Occupational dermatitis is the commonest form of occu­pational disease in the western world. Indeed, more than half the people suffering from occupational disorders have skin problems.

It is impossible to prepare a comprehensive list of all the chemicals likely to cause skin problems, nor is it possible to produce a list of all the types of job where skin disease is an occupational hazard. Whether you work in a factory, a shop, a hospital or a hairdressing salon you are at risk. Even office workers are at risk since photocopying machines and other pieces of equipment can produce skin rashes.

If you have a skin problem and you think it could be caused by something you are in contact with at work check this list:

1 Does anyone else with whom you work have a similar problem?

2 Has your union or trade organization any record of occupational skin disorders?

3 Does your skin problem improve when you are away from work (for example, at the weekend or on holiday)?

4 Does the skin problem only affect parts of your body that are exposed to possible irritants (for example, your hands)?

5 Has the problem only developed since you started a particular job?

Protective Measures for Occupational Skin Disorders

If you've answered 'yes' to any of these questions then your skin problem could be job related. There are a number of things you can do to help yourself:

1 Wash and rinse your hands carefully after work, using plenty of soap and water.

2 Use a barrier cream on all areas of skin that are exposed.

3 Wear protective clothing whenever it is supplied and/or recommended. Use gloves and long-handled mops when they are available.

4 See your doctor .for treatment of your condition and advice about ways to avoid the problem in future.

5 If your problem persists, despite taking these precautions, then a change of job may be necessary.

Be Aware of the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Risk that You Should Consider

It is undeniable that making a decision on whether or not one should take a cosmetic plastic surgery operation is a serious matter to understand well. If you are one of the many individual wanting to take into consideration a cosmetic plastic surgery, you must be aware of the cosmetic plastic surgery risk that the process itself carries.

Most often than not, many individuals, having the money and the determination to become beautiful through undergoing a plastic cosmetic surgery give less concern on knowing the cosmetic plastic surgery risk lists that they should give ample attention to. Because of this, even in signing the contract before undergoing any cosmetic surgery, only a few clients really read up and realize the need to take serious concern of the cosmetic plastic surgery risk lists that they should be well aware of.

Later on as a result, some individuals who lacked the chance to scrutinize the different cosmetic plastic surgery risk lists that were presented to them before their operation, end up disappointed with the results of the operations that they underwent.

Stay free from the Hustle of not Knowing Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Risk

Free yourselves from the possibility of ending up in court while suing your surgeon of the cosmetic plastic surgery risk results that you never cared to look at before the actual operation. To name a few, here are some of the major risks that one should consider in taking into consideration a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure to be applied on you.

Providing the Cost: as expected, every cosmetic surgery involves a certain value of money. While some institutions provide cosmetic surgery financing, it should be noted by any client that he/she would be able to return the amount loaned for the operation to avoid any hold ups after the operation.

Your Future Health: it should be understood by each client that every surgery has a long time effect. At some point, these effects could be considered as part of the cosmetic plastic surgery risk list. Being aware of such matters shall help you decide whether you should actually consider the surgery operation.

Legality Issues: with the booming of the cosmetic surgery industry, it is expected that some operate without the ample right to operate business that every cosmetic surgeon should have before performing any task. It then pays to know if your service provider is legally registered to ensure that your rights as the clients are well protected.

Yes, it is always beneficial to understand the cosmetic plastic surgery risk list that each client should actually be aware of before signing any contract of operation. This process shall be the medium o protection that you as the client, could receive from the law.

Modern Ways of Physical Correction and Enhancement with Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Personal characteristics and qualities are significant factors towards the personality development and self-confidence of each individual. How they see themselves significantly affect the development of their personal pride and self-confidence enabling them to grow as strong and confident individuals towards their respective personal interest. In addition, they physical attributes and qualities likewise influence their acceptability and standing in terms of their social realm affecting likewise their personal pursuit. In this aspect, the physical qualities and aesthetic condition of each person affect his or her growth and development.

For this interest, the modern aspect of cosmetic surgery has been drastically developed to provide reliable and effective enhancement of the physical attributes and qualities for growth and confidence development. In this modern field, significant physical correction and enhancement approaches are now possible with the help of cosmetic plastic surgery.
New Approaches for Correction and Enhancement.

In the past, unwanted and innate physical flaws are considered permanent because there is no reliable and effective measure to change or correct this disparity. People can now opt to have a certain characteristic they do not like in themselves such as cleft palate, permanent tattoo, or even a noticeable scar in their body. These elements are considered boon to their aesthetic well-being and are defilement to their confidence and personality. With modern cosmetic plastic surgery, these once permanent boons can now be removed for a better aesthetic image.

With modern scientific understanding towards the field of cosmetic plastic surgery, new mediums and approaches can now be made for aesthetic interest. For correction, physical surgery can now be made to enhance beauty and delimit certain physical flaws such as scars, tattoos, and inborn qualities. The field of cosmetic plastic surgery can achieve this through targeting cellular approach in beautification particularly in the skin region. This scientific approach targets the different layers of skin physiology and induces healthy cell regeneration to overcome the previous flaw.

In the aspect of enhancement, the same concept applies wherein most cosmetic plastic surgery promote health cellular regeneration through modern procedures such as laser therapy, skin drafting, and others done in cosmetic plastic surgery centers. Other cosmetic plastic surgery mediums also include promoting healthy growth through vitamin-enriched treatment medications, procedure that exfoliates dead skin cells, and enhances certain qualities through altering the normal balance in body’s physiology. These and among others enables the modern field of cosmetic plastic surgery effective and reliable in promoting beauty for the modern society.

Through achieving beauty that everyone can be proud of, the field of modern cosmetic plastic surgery ideally aims to promote healthy development and self-pride for the modern population enabling them to become confident in their respective pursuit and interest in life.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

How to Stop Nail Biting

People bite their nails for the same reason that they pull on their ear lobes or suck their thumbs: anxiety.

The traditional, old-fashioned remedy is to paint the nails with something that tastes foul. This makes each nibble so horrid that the nails are eventually left alone. There are lots of such products on the market and they do sometimes work.

A slightly more modern remedy that works particularly well with girls (and I suppose, some boys) is to paint the nails with pretty coloured polish. The theory is that the polish will make the recipient proud of her nails, more conscious of them and more determined not to bite them. It may work.

The trouble with both these techniques is that they only deal with the symptoms, not the cause. Anyone who bites his or her nails is over-stressed. The problem will only be stopped for ever when the cause of the stress is dealt with.

Data Recovery

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

Food Allergy Test Information

Are you getting sick on a regular basis? Do you seem to feel dizzy, nauseous, sick to your stomach, or otherwise unwell shortly after you eat? Are you unable to maintain a decent weight, and often find yourself losing weight for no reason except that you are sick after every meal? Perhaps you have a food allergy. There are many common food allergies that people have but do not realize that they have. Food allergies can range from mild to severe, and they can increase in severity the more that one is exposed to the food. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or your child is experiencing these symptoms, see a doctor and ask about getting a food allergy test.

What It Is

A food allergy test is an allergy test specifically designed to test for an allergic reaction to a food. A food allergy test will be done on either the arm or the back, depending on the size of the patient. Small children who need a food allergy test will most likely be tested on their back, while adults who need a food allergy test will most likely be tested on their forearm. This test is done with several to several dozen small pin pricks. After each pin prick, the allergen is placed inside the open wound. The allergen is so small that it will not affect the patient more than simply given the patient a small hive or reaction on the injection sight. To tell whether the food allergy test is positive, the test administrator will look for discoloration, raising of the skin in a hive like bump, other bumps, or any other reaction. This will mean that the patient is allergic to whatever that specific food allergy test was for.

What Do I Do Now?

Now that you have taken the food allergy test or had your child tested with a food allergy test, you may be wondering where to go from here. You or your child tested positive for something…so what do you do now? In years past, you would have been told to completely avoid the food in question. With certain foods or food products, it can be very difficult to completely avoid it. For example, those with a gluten allergy find it extremely difficult to have an interesting and varied diet at times. Gluten is found in a large percentage of foods, and it can be difficult to avoid. However, some doctors will recommend different treatments, based on the severity of the allergy, that do not necessarily completely exclude the food or food product. Talk to your doctor to see what will work best for you.

Seasonal Allergy Treatment

Most people are already aware that seasonal allergies occur on account of being exposed to substances that are present in the air that they breathe. These substances can in fact also appear during certain periods of the year such as when winter turns to spring and spring tunrs to summer and summer turns to fall. Pollen is a very common reason why people suffer from seasonal allergies and it occurs because the person’s immune system is not able to react to pollen and even mold.

The inability of the immune system to control the amount of histamines being released wil cause symptoms of seasonal allergy which generally begin about five to ten minutes following exposure to the allergen.

There are several options available when it concerns proper seasonal allergy treatment and among them you can simply start to remain indoors as much as possible, especially in areas where the pollen count is on the high side or when humidity is also high. However, the most common form of seasonal allergy treatment is taking medications that help in reducing the symptoms of the allergy you are suffering from.

Most medications used as part of a seasonal allergy treatment method will contain sufficient antihistamines that help in neutralizing the production of histamines and so cures (at least temporarily) the seasonal allergy symptoms.

In case you symptoms of seasonal allergy are especially severe you may need to take eye drops as well as use nasal sprays as part of your seasonal allergy treatment method. These two medications help in protecting the nasal passage from being irritated by presence of allergens. However, this method of seasonal allergy treatment is most effective when you begin using the medications prior to the onset of the allergy symptoms.

In the case of longer term relief you would need to include taking allergy shots as part of an effective seasonal allergy treatment though results might only show up after three to five years which depends on how robust is your body. For those who are more sensitive the results might only be forthcoming after even longer time periods.

Mold allergy treatment medications are very similar to what are used to treat other types of allergens and the treatment can vary from avoidance to taking medications.

When choosing to use medications as part of your seasonal allergy treatment process you must first of all consult your doctor who will be able to diagnose and prescribe suitable medications depending on how severe your allergy is and the type of allergy suffered.

Tips to Using Allergy Medicine

Allergies can be a very difficult condition to deal with. Not only can they be uncomfortable and annoying, but when left untreated they can actually result in more serious health problems developing.

There are a few tips that are very important to remember when it comes to using an allergy medicine. Most of these tips would relate to any type of medicine, but here we are going to be discussing them specifically in relation to using an over the counter allergy medicine or any other type of allergy medicine that your doctor may prescribe.

Be Sensible

The best tip to remember when you are taking an allergy medicine is to be sensible. This sounds simple enough, right? It is pretty amazing then the amount of people who use allergy medicines carelessly. Many people think that these are just mild medicines and so they can take them as many times as they want, without worry.

Follow Dosage Instructions

This leads us to our next tip, which is to follow proper dosage instructions. Always take your allergy medicine as your doctor told you to, and certainly never think that just because you may take more of it, that you are going to see better results because this will not be the case at all. In fact, if anything your allergies will end up getting even worse because the allergy medicine will counteract when it is not being used properly

Educate Yourself

It is very important to educate yourself on any medication before you start taking it. Even though your own doctor may prescribe it and it may be a very safe medication, you should still be aware of what it is, what medication you are going to be putting in your body, especially if you were told to take it on a regular basis.

As well, you are going to need to learn specifically about the different side effects and symptoms that are commonly associated with the medication, so that you know what to expect and can be prepared if you ever experience any of these yourself from taking the medication.

The best thing you can do, if you are suffering from allergies as so many people around the world do, is for you to work as a team with your doctor on this. They will be able to ensure that you are taking the right products for your allergies and that you are making proper progress.

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008

Prostate Cancer Facts

Prostate Health Herb

Natural Prostate Health

Understanding About Prostate Gland Stimulation

Treating a Prostate Gland Infection

The Male Prostate Gland: What it is

Understanding the Prostate Gland Function

What is Prostate Gland Cancer?

Dealing With an Enlarged Prostate Gland

Where is the Prostate Gland Located in the Body?

Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment

Latest Treatment On Prostate Cancer

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

Latest Prostate Cancer Treatment

For A Real Fighting Chance

What about Natural Treatment for Enlarged Prostate...

Which Enlarged Prostate Medication is Right for Me...

What to Do about Enlarged Prostate

Should I Get Surgery for My Enlarged Prostate?

Enlarged Prostate Gland Treatment Options

I Have Enlarged Prostate Symptom: What Now?

Enlarged Prostate: What Does It Mean?

Prostate Cancer Screening Test

Prostate Cancer Research

Certain Foods Can Help In Prostate Cancer

Timely Prostate Cancer Prognosis

Prostate Cancer Surgery: A One Time Procedure

Prostate Cancer Is Not A Lethal Disease

How to Maintain Proper Prostate Health

Prostate Health Herb

It is true that we human beings are brilliant entities. No doubt about that. We have taken everything that was once raw material and manufactured it into something else, something of value of worth. Not that in its original state it had no value, we just took from nature and developed it further for a profit.

Funny thing is that nature has provided with herbs, soil, minerals, ore and basically everything that we have today, we just refined it. With the whole refining process came industrialization, and with that came all kinds of epidemics and cancers as a result of exposure to poisonous substances. That did not present too much of a problem as we merely manufactured medicines from the same raw materials that through industrialization made us ill. For overall health, we have numerous vitamin supplements.

For cardiac health, we have numerous supplements. And for natural prostate health we have a prostate health herb. It has been noted that human beings, men especially, are prone to waiting for something to be wrong before they pay attention to it. Such is the case with the prostate. We go through life living without a care in the world and then one day we’re diagnosed with a prostate condition and then we go into depression. The drive for all men should be to cultivate a lifestyle that is poignant for natural prostate health. In fact we should be talking about natural prostate health to our sons when they’re developed enough to understand the mechanics of their bodies. Natural prostate health should be a frequent topic of discussion in every household.

This would be the ideal way to curb the habit of waiting until it’s too late. Perhaps educational institutions could implement natural prostate health topics in their discussion in life skills. That way our youth would be aware of the risks of unhealthy living but also of the options available to men should they have adverse counts on their prostate examinations.

There are most naturally non-clinical ways that one could take care of one’s prostate, and that we describe as natural prostate health. Natural prostate health would include a combination of healthy diet, exercises, restraint from certain indulgences like alcohol and cigarettes. We need to adopt a mindset of prevention is better than cure and perhaps we would see a marked decrease in the counts of prostate cancer.

When In Asia Do As The Asians
It is an accepted fact that the overall count of prostate and testicular cancer is by far the lowest in Asia. We could learn something from our Asian counterparts. Yoga, deep breathing, green tea, regular sexual activity and exercise. These are just a few of the listed traits of Asian men, and it seems to be working for them.

Treating a Prostate Gland Infection

Of all the different problems that can develop in the prostate, one of the most serious is an infection. Treating a prostate gland infection is definitely not always the easiest thing. This is not only because they can be so stubborn to treat but as well because a prostate gland infection is typically very painful.

You should be aware of the issue of prostate gland stimulation and of what the symptoms of a prostate gland infection are, so that you will know what to watch out for and be able to recognize the signs if you develop a prostate gland infection yourself.

Signs and Symptoms

There are quite a few different symptoms that are associated with a prostate gland infection. The signs and symptoms of this condition will vary, depending on the person and the cause of the inflammation. Symptoms of this infection, also known as prostatitis, are nonspecific and have been known to mimic other urologica and nonurologic diseases. One might experience no symptoms at all, which would obviously make it close to impossible to diagnose.

This explains why so many cases of prostatitis go untreated for such an extended period of time, as many people are simply not aware that there is anything wrong with them at all, at least not until it is too late.


Now if you find that you do in fact have prostate gland infection, you are obviously going to need to take immediate steps towards finding appropriate treatment. The good news is that there are quite a few different treatments you can choose from here, but it is critical that you work together with your doctor so that they can properly assess your condition and choose the right one for you and your condition.

Treatment of prostatitis is usually effective, although sometimes certain cases will require several or prolonged treatments. Frequently several different drugs may have to be used before the patient will find the treatment that offers them success.

Certain prostatic irritants such as caffeine and alcohol should definitely be avoided during the time of treatment, because it can worsen the prostatitis, so you will want to avoid all peppery, spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol.

You can treat your prostatitis and never have to deal with it again as long as you use the right methods, work one on one with your doctor, and take the proper preventive measures in the future so that you will not develop the condition again.

Understanding About Prostate Gland Stimulation

The prostate gland is a walnut sized gland that is in the male body, and which is located in front of the rectum and underneath the urinary bladder. The main job of the prostate is to make some of the fluid that protects and nourishes the sperm cells in semen. If you are a man, even if you have never experienced any problems with your prostate before, you want to be educated on prostate gland stimulation.

Prostate Gland Stimulation

Prostate gland stimulation, also known as prostate massage, is used to describe the massage or stimulation of the prostate gland in males, either for medical or sexual purposes. Prostate massage is part of the standard digital rectal examination that is routinely given to men by urologists in order to look for signs of prostate cancer.

Prostate gland stimulation, or prostate massage, can also be in the sexual form, which is given to give pleasure to the man. Done internally either by lubricated fingers or a prostate massager, this is a private massage that can be given and which may result in ejaculation without any genital stimulation.

You need to be very careful when you are giving a prostate massage, and no more pressure should be used than the amount you would use while rubbing your eyes. The procedure is initially undertaken gently using the index finger and then you would start to rub with other fingers.

By being as educated as possible on the topic of prostate gland stimulation, you will ensure your prostate health is maximum and avoid dangerous and potentially life threatening prostate infections and diseases.

The prostate is one of the most important glands in the man’s body, and there are some necessary steps that every man needs to take in order to ensure that he keeps his prostate in the best condition. More than anything this refers to eating a healthy, well balanced diet, and getting plenty of exercise.

Even if you can only get out for a half hour here and there, you will still be getting out and getting active, and this is the important thing.

If you want to learn more on this you will want to speak to your doctor, as they will offer you more advice on this matter and be able to offer you tips on the different things that you can do in your life to make positive changes and make sure that your prostate is in optimum health.

Natural Prostate Health

Men like women have fears of cancer and the reason why prostate health is taking centre stage is that more and more people are becoming increasing aware that it is a fact. Perhaps there has always been a belief that women are having the health problem issues, with the likes of breast cancer and cervix cancer becoming and almost norm.

However the male ego has had to take a blasting and even today most men seem t be in denial that male prostate health is important. Some are so ignorant or desperate that they believe that prostate cancer is just a myth made up to make men look weak. The truth of the matter is we are all human beings and if you do not learn to accept that then it will be hard. The ignorant is bliss way of thinking has made it even harder for men to confront prostate cancer when they were diagnosed.

This is because suddenly they realized that it was not all a hoax or bad joke, but a reality. However all that being said there are a handful of men who take prostate health seriously. It is clear that it is not only prostate health that they take seriously but also their overall healthy. These men are the leading example that sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and get real.

Never Easy To Admit

It is not easy to think that you are prone to getting cancer, but even young women can be in denial of getting any of the female cancers. Perhaps it is a way of protecting yourself from the bad ever happening, which makes perfect sense. You do not want to think that because you neglected your natural prostate health that you are now paying the price.

We all like t believe that we come from a gene pool that is strong and can withstand the test of time. But if you are living in the now, you will know that things were different. Each generation has its own pressures and sometimes these are not the greatest of things. The lack of enthusiasm to take prostate health serious can be the downfall for many men. They will realize only too late that most of it could’ve been avoided. This means that you have to be willing to invest some time taking good care of yourself and in that you will be achieving the prostate health target without even having to break too much of a sweat.

Understanding the Prostate Gland Function

The prostate gland is one of the most important glands in the male body. The prostate gland function is actually one of the most important functions in the human body. The prostate gland actually has several different functions, but a few which are considered as being particularly major.

When it comes to the prostate gland function of the male prostate gland, the main prostate gland function is to help control urination by pressing directly against the part of the urethra that it surrounds. This is why when there is a problem with your prostate you will typically have problems urinating.

Causes of Prostate Cancer

Especially if you have had problems in the past with your prostate gland function, you are going to want to watch out for prostate gland cancer. There are certain symptoms and causes of prostate cancer that you should be aware of, and as you age you will want to watch out for them even more.

There is actually no single known cause of prostate cancer, but rather a few factors that are considered as being associated with the disease. The risk factors for prostate cancer include advancing age, genetics, hormonal influences, and certain environmental factors such as toxins and chemicals.

If it turns out that you do have prostate cancer, you are going to need to get your prostate gland function back to normal, and this means going forward with the proper treatment. Medication and other methods will often be tried, but surgery is typically necessary. The surgical treatment for prostate cancer is commonly referred to as a radical or total prostatectomy, which is the removal of the entire prostate gland.

Obviously this is a very serious surgery with very serious consequences, and to avoid it as best you can, you will want to keep yourself in the best health and make sure that you watch out for the symptoms of prostate cancer so that you can at least catch it early.

Know that great strides have been made in lowering the frequency of the complications of radical prostatectomy and these are advances which have been accomplished largely through improved anesthesia and surgical techniques.

There are so many terrific options available these days when it comes to treating prostate cancer, so if you do learn that you have developed the disease, just make sure that you get in to see your doctor right away and that you remember how many effective treatment options there are that can help you.

The Male Prostate Gland: What it is

Understanding all about the human body is really of extreme importance, no matter who you are. The more educated you are on your body and how it works, the easier you will notice when something is awry with your health and know when you should get in to see your doctor.

The prostate is one of the most important parts of the male body but there are a number of different things that can go wrong with it.

Really, sooner or later all men end up having prostate problems, but it really all depends on how good of health they keep themselves in which will decide how long they can go before they start dealing with these sorts of problems.

The male prostate gland is a gland that is about the size of a walnut and which is located just below the bottom of the bladder and in front of the rectum. It surrounds the urethra which is the tube that carries the urine from the body, and the main function of the male prostate gland is to produce semen which is the fluid that carries sperm.

If you ever start experiencing any male prostate gland problems, it could be a prostate gland infection or other prostate problem, and so you are going to want to make sure that you get in to see your doctor as soon as possible.

The three most major areas of concern related to the prostate are an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and prostate cancer, which is of course the most serious of all.

Preventing Prostate Problems

In order to avoid male prostate gland problems as best you can and keep yourself in the best health, there are a few things that you are going to want to do. The prevention of prostate cancer has been shown to be related to dietary intakes of some key nutrients, and several herbal extracts can also strongly influence prostate problems.

You are going to want to make sure that you are eating a healthy, nutritious diet, and also that you are getting plenty of regular exercise. With the right diet and exercise regime, you will be able to keep yourself in the most optimum health and avoid not only male prostate gland problems but other health conditions as well.

Taking supplements is another great idea, as this will ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals that you need to strive.

Dealing With an Enlarged Prostate Gland

Dealing with an enlarged prostate gland is certainly not the easiest thing in the world but fortunately, what with the astounding medical advances that have been made in the world today, there are some terrific options available when it comes to the treatment of an enlarged prostate gland.

Before you can properly learn how to deal with an enlarged prostate gland however, you are going to need to become more educated on the prostate and what function it has in the body.

The prostate is a small, squishy gland about the size of a walnut. It is located under the bladder and in front of the rectum.

Enlarged Prostate Gland

There is a quite common health condition known as an enlarged prostate gland and which must be taken care of immediately otherwise it can be damaging to the body and may even result in prostate gland cancer.

There are a few symptoms of this condition that you should be aware of, so that if you ever start noticing these symptoms you can get in to see your doctor right away. If you notice that you have the need to pass urine urgently, the need for frequent trips to the toilet, have hesitancy or difficulty in starting to pass urine, or have a weak or intermittent stream once you do start urinating, you may have an enlarged prostate gland.

You will need to seek the advice of a medical professional, and they will perform a few standard tests in order to determine whether or not this is the problem and if so offer you advise on what you can do to get back to a healthy state.

When it comes to the treatment of enlarged prostate glands, there are a few options, but drug treatment is usually the first suggestion. There are two main classes of prescription medicines that are used to treat this condition and they are: alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.

Alpha-blockers in particular tend to be effective, and work by relaxing muscle fibers that control the tension in the prostate gland. They do not work for everyone however, and so you need to remember this and be prepared to go through a bit of trial and error before finding a treatment that is successful.

You will need to work closely with your doctor during this time in your life, and ensure that they are always aware of your condition and on whether or not you are making any improvement.

What is Prostate Gland Cancer?

Out of all the different types of cancer in the world that a person can develop, did you know that prostate gland cancer is actually one of the most common and serious? It is important for all people to be aware of prostate gland cancer, at least the most common symptoms of prostate gland cancer so that if they ever start experiencing these symptoms themselves they can get in to see their doctor right away.

If it turns out that you do in fact have prostate gland cancer, the earlier you get treatment the better your chances are going to be. If left untreated, prostate gland cancer, just as with any other type of cancer, will only get worse and possibly even be life threatening.

What it is

The prostate is an organ in the body that is located at the base of the urinary bladder. The prostate gland function is to help control urination by pressing directly against the part of the urethra that it surrounds.

Prostate cancer is incredibly common, and is a malignant tumor that consists of cells from the prostate gland. In most cases of prostate gland cancer, the tumor will grow quite slowly, and may even go unnoticed for months or years.

As the cancer advances it can end up spreading to other tissues in the body, and in the worst case scenario the cancer can end up metastasizing throughout even other areas of the body.

If you ever think that you may have prostate cancer, you are going to need to make an appointment with your doctor or seek some other type of medical attention. Prostate cancer needs to be found as early as possible if you want to come out of it with success, and fortunately there are a few different treatments that are available here.

Deciding on the specific treatment to use can certainly be daunting, and in order to decide on a type of treatment for prostate cancer, your doctor will assess your condition, determine what stage your cancer is at, and they may even want to use a combination of treatments.

Many prostate cancer sufferers want to stick to all natural treatments, but if your cancer is very advanced you will probably need to use some prescription medications until you get the cancer under control and then usually will have the option of making the switch over to a natural treatment.

Prostate gland cancer can definitely be quite the ordeal to try to manage, but with a good doctor and some positivity, you can start feeling better and get back to living your regular life once again.

Where is the Prostate Gland Located in the Body?

The prostate gland is a gland in the male body which surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra. The prostate contributes to the seminal fluid and its main purpose is to help control the flow of urine. Most men will experience at least some form of prostate problem during their lifetime, and in the worst case scenario prostate cancer can develop.

When there is cancer in the prostate gland, just as in any other area of the body, it is a very serious situation. This is why you need to be very careful when it comes to dealing with issues such as an enlarged prostate gland, because these sorts of health conditions can actually end up developing into prostate gland cancer.

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder behind the pubic bone and behind the bladder. It wraps around the urethra which is the tube that carries the urine from the bladder to the penis.

Prostate Cancer

When it comes to learning about the prostate gland, prostate cancer is certainly one of the most important issues. You should be aware of what the most common symptoms of prostate cancer are, so that if you do ever start experiencing them yourself you will recognize them and get in to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Prostate cancer starts in the cells of the prostate gland, and is actually known as being the most common cancer in Canadian men. It usually grows slowly and can often be managed successfully as long as it is caught early enough.

Your doctor will start by determining what stage your cancer is at, and once they have done this they will move on to finding an appropriate treatment. Surgery is typically one of the last resorts, but a route that often needs to be taken, especially if the cancer has been left untreated and spread to other areas of the body.

A decision to have surgery usually depends on the stage and grade of the cancer, as well as on your general health. If you are older in age or have other serious health conditions for instance, your doctor may not think that you are in good enough physical condition to go in for surgery.

During the surgery you will be under general anesthetic which means that you will be unconscious, and you may have to stay in the hospital for several days after the surgery, so be prepared to take some time off work.

Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. One in four men diagnosed with cancer in men in the UK have prostate cancer. The majority of cases of prostate cancer occur in men over the age of 70. Nearly 700,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed annually worldwide. The highest incidences of prostate cancer occur in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Western and Eastern Europe. Prostate cancer is least common in East and South East Asia.

Treatment for prostate cancer has dramatically improved over the last three decades. Whereas in the 1970s three in ten prostate cancer patients survived, about seven in ten prostate cancer patients survive today. A common method of treating prostate cancer is through hormonal therapy. Hormone treatment for prostate cancer is most commonly used to reduce testosterone to castrate levels.

Methods of Treatment

Radiologists use a number of different approaches when treating prostate cancer. Treatments for prostate cancer include: active surveillance, prostatectomy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is most commonly used in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

Patients who are not eligible for surgical removal of the prostate (i.e: prostatectomy) usually receive hormone therapy for prostate cancer instead. Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is sometimes implemented in conjunction with surgery or radiotherapy.

How Hormone Therapy Words

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer helps to control prostate cancer by reducing levels of male hormones (androgens) in the body. Thus, hormone therapy is also known as androgen suppression therapy and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are the two major male hormones which hormone therapy for prostate cancer seeks to control. Androgens are produced chiefly in the testicles and stimulate prostate cancer cells to grow. By lowering the levels of androgens in a patient, hormone therapy for prostate cancer causes prostate cancer cells to either reduce in size or grow at a decelerated rate.

When to Use Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is applied in a number of situations. When prostate cancer spreads beyond the prostate or one is unable to receive surgery or radiation, hormone therapy is used. Hormone therapy is also applied when cancer returns to the prostate gland following surgery or radiation therapy. Often hormone therapy is the first method of treatment implemented, particularly if the patient is deemed a high risk candidate for cancer recurrence. Finally, hormone therapy may be used to try and shrink the cancer. While hormone treatment for prostate cancer does not cure the disease, it is most effective as a supplementary form of treatment.

Latest Treatment On Prostate Cancer

Men’s health is becoming an increasingly important topic and people are no longer afraid to talk about the latest treatment on prostate cancer. Much research and work has been done for women, as they seem to have many needs.

However men are also becoming an important topic in the medical field and that is not only because of the increasing statistics of prostate cancer but also so that men can have their health needs fulfilled. Nowadays it is very easy to find information on the latest treatment on prostate cancer. With the Internet being a major supplier of this information, thus the formation of electronic journals.

Prostate cancer is no different than any other cancer in the sense that it does cause one to not only suffer emotionally but physically as well. It is no longer about male pride, but instead the acceptance that anyone can get cancer regardless of their gender. It is also a good thing that this information on the latest treatment of prostate cancer is so readily available as it also give the men that have been diagnosed with prostate cancer some hope that at last men have a fighting chance as well.

It is through the vast amount of research that is done that the latest treatment on prostate cancer statistics can be made readily available to all. All one has to do is actually make the effort and reach out to obtain this. It is abut arming yourself with all the latest treatment on prostate cancer information that you can so that you can exhaust all avenues if you ever are diagnosed with the diseases.

Forget pride and learn more about alternative prostate cancer treatment

Young mean might think that they will never be victims of prostate cancer, but like all diseases cancer does not discriminate. In this then it important that they take their healthy seriously at a young age. No one is invincible and even though you might think that the prostate cancers statistics reflect that older men are prone to prostate cancer you are also not safe.

It is therefore important to know what options are out there in terms of treatment so that you are not shy of information. Learning and preparing yourself will also mean that you are not in shock and act irrationally, but instead you are well armed and know what the odds are for your survival. Support form all relevant sources is important.

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment

It is such a wonderful thing that more and more men are open to discussing prostate cancer, not only with their partners but with their male friends as well. It is n longer seen as a loss of dignity to say that you have prostate cancer as many men are realizing that there are hands out there ready to help them in their time of need. The alternative prostate cancer treatment is about encouraging mean to undergo the whole processes of treatment.

This is done through providing adequate information as well as medical information on treatment. The alternative prostate cancer treatment is also about letting the patients know that there are ways like therapy. It is also clear through the medical statistics that most men are not so keen on therapy.

This again a reflection n the mail ego as to the conceived fact that they are suppose to be superhuman and not prone to any diseases. However therapy as part of the alternative prostate cancer treatment is viable, because the cancer not only affects the body but is also have emotional repercussions as well.

Quality Of Care

Men need to understand that everyone is trying their best to help them through the difficult times. It is only though the reaching out of that person for that help that progress can be made. The alternative prostate cancer treatment package is designed to be that guidance and helping hand, and sometimes all elements need to be thought about and considered in order to get the best out of the treatment.

And it is also clear that men will fear the prostate cancer radiation treatment as even they are prone to the affects caused by watching Hollywood movies that depict scenes of radiation patients. Also most people are afraid of radiation cancer treatment because it makes them worry about the likelihood of death.

The alternative prostate cancer treatment is there to help give all prostate cancers a chance for a good future prognosis. It has been specially created through research and that has not been done lightly. It is also a tool to improve the quality of life for patients and future patients and it will aim to cater for the individual patients needs. In that way you can at least appreciate that someone took the time to consider how you would be feeling once you have found out that you have prostate cancer. That is more concern when is hardly ever seen these days.

Prostate Cancer Radiation Treatment

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer found in men. One in four British men diagnosed with cancer has prostate cancer. Thankfully, it is also a treatable form of cancer. The rate of survival from prostate cancer has gradually risen since the 1970s. Today approximately seven out of ten men diagnosed with prostate cancer will survive the illness.

The methods of treating prostate cancer vary from surgery to hormone therapy. Those diagnosed with prostate cancer may be treated by active surveillance, prostatectomy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy. Often radiologists combine different approaches in the treatment of prostate cancer.

When it comes to treating prostate cancer, the age and condition of the patient must be taken into consideration. Furthermore, treatment will vary depending on how advanced the cancer is, and whether or not it has spread to other regions of the body. For example, prostate cancer radiation treatment may be combined with hormone treatment for prostate cancer.

Kinds of Radiation Therapy

Two kinds of prostate cancer radiation treatment exist. In external beam radiation therapy, a radiation machine similar to an x-ray machine radiates the cancer cells in the prostate gland. In bryachtherapy, miniscule radioactive pellets, or “seeds”, are injected into the prostate gland. Both kinds of prostate cancer radiation treatment are similarly effective.

While the first method of prostate cancer radiation treatment (beam radiation therapy) requires numerous visits to the hospital or clinic, the treatment does not require anaesthetic. Seed therapy requires only one visit to the hospital but anaesthetic is required and patients often experience discomfort following the radiation session. Beam radiation causes milder side effects than bryachtherapy, or seed prostate cancer radiation treatment.

Side Effects

Around 50% of patients who undergo radiation therapy become impotent within two years of receiving prostate cancer radiation treatment. Side-effects of radiation therapy include lethargy, urinary burning, urinary bleeding, rectal bleeding, rectal discomfort, and diahrrea. While the unobtrusive nature of prostate cancer radiation treatment is considered one of the advantages of this method of treatment, it can have serious implications. As the prostate gland is not removed, as in prostatectomy, the size of the tumor(s) cannot be determined. Thus, cancer remission is likely.

The Good News
Prostate cancer radiation treatment results in the direct treatment of the cancerous cells in the prostate, without causing severe damage to healthy tissue surrounding tissues the prostate gland. Using x-rays doctors gain a 3D image of the prostate and surrounding tissues. This enables them to direct radiation beams with great accuracy. It is also possible to determine the degree of radiation delivered to surrounding organs, such as the rectum, bladder, hips and penis. The safety of prostate cancer radiation treatment is constantly improving. It is possible to deliver high doses or radiation more safely than five years ago.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

What is Prostate Cancer? Firstly, the prostate is a gland that forms part of the male reproductive system, which is situated just bellow the bladder and surrounds the urethra which carries urine from the body and produces the fluid that forms part of the semen. The cause of prostate cancer is unknown but what is known is that there is a growth of cancer cells in prostate, which is usually stimulated by male hormones such as testosterone.

Prostate cancer is usually a slow growing cancer. Advanced prostate cancer is cancer that has spread beyond the prostate gland to the lymph nodes, bones, or other organs of the body. In terms of treatments, more specifically advanced prostate cancer treatment what is available and what are the effects hereof? Patients may receive radiotherapy or hormone therapy. The latest treatments on prostate cancer include a vaccine that contains human prostate-specific antigen (PSA) which may help men with advanced prostate cancer. PSA is a protein produced by epithelial cells in the prostate usually present in healthy males at low levels.

But in men with prostate cancer, PSA levels are increased. Researchers have also developed a new approach in terms of advanced prostate cancer treatment that could be more effective and have fewer side effects.

Researchers have now discovered that by using existing treatment for prostate cancer with new drugs at a lower dosage they can get better results than the advanced prostate cancer treatments already being used. Hormones, known as androgens, usually cause growth in prostate cancer. However hormone deprivation, which initially has a good effect on the cancer may in turn result in the cancer starting to grow again and also do have side effects resulting sometimes in these existing advanced prostate cancer treatments being insufficient. This advanced prostate cancer treatment can block cancer survival pathways, but do not kill prostate cancer cells alone.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment – The Side Effects

Treatments are saving lives everyday however treatments do have side effects. Men undergoing advanced prostate cancer treatment can experience side effects, such as reduced libido, impotence, hot flushes, tiredness and sweating, gradual decrease in body hair. Also reduced bone and muscle strength and cognitive changes are noticed.

With all medication and treatment there are always side effects, it is how we deal with these side effects really that matters. When you look at it, these side effects of the treatment should be viewed as an advantage against non treatment as non treatment ultimately leads to the cancer growing, the pain increasing and possible death.

What about Natural Treatment for Enlarged Prostate?

The National Institute of Health estimates that over half of men aged 60 or more have enlarged prostates. For men over age 70, the percentage is over 90%. However, not everyone is eager to take medications that may have unpleasant side effects. Some men prefer to pursue homeopathic or other forms of natural treatment for enlarged prostate. As with any course of treatment for a medical condition, you should consult your doctor. You should also be aware that an enlarged prostate can indicate the presence of prostate cancer; treatment must start early in order to be most effective.

Changing Your Diet

To naturally promote prostate health, you may want to increase your dietary intake of whole grains; fresh, unrefined, or organic foods; soy protein; beans; seeds; nuts; and cold water fish such as tuna, salmon, halibut, and sardines. You should also avoid junk food, refined sugar, dairy products, hydrogenated oils, and alcohol (especially beer). Adjust your intake of water to include a number of ounces equal to 50% of your body weight (if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water). Dietary supplements that can support natural treatment for enlarged prostate include amino acids such as glycine, alinine, and glutamic acid (200 mg of each daily), beta-sitoserol (to reduce cholesterol, which can also contribute to enlarged prostate), flaxseed oil or meal, flower pollen (used in Europe for over 25 years to naturally treat enlarged prostate), and zinc picolinate.

Herbal Medicines

Though herbal medicines have the advantage of rarely producing side effects, you should be very careful of their purity, potency, and consistency. For this reason, it is best to consult with your doctor or a homeopathic physician to determine that your herbal medicines do not include synthetic fillers or binders. As with other pharmaceuticals, you should not exceed the recommended dosage. Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is thought to inhibit the body's production of dihydrodrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that promotes prostate growth. The recommended dosage is 320 milligrams of extract each day. Also, pygeum (Pygeum africanum) is thought to be a natural treatment to reduce enlarged prostate symptoms. The recommended dosage is 100 to 200 milligrams of extract twice daily. Extract of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) at a recommended dosage of 120 milligrams daily, may also reduce symptoms.

Non-medicinal Natural Treatment for Enlarged Prostate

Some patients can achieve temporary relief of painful symptoms by taking a warm sitz bath. Alternating warm and cool hydrotherapy has the additional beneficial effect of increasing blood flow to the pelvic region, promoting the removal of toxins from tissues and sometimes reducing swelling.

For A Real Fighting Chance

You are in charge of your life, but perhaps to come degree you are not in charge of whether you get a disease like cancer or not. So what is the alternative when you find out that you have to have prostate cancer treatment? The truth is that most men see prostate cancer as perhaps a death sentence. In some sense that can be true, but only if you opt out of going through prostate cancer treatment. The reason why the prostate cancer treatment was designed is sot that mean could have a fighting chance.

However it seems that once people have been told that they have to have the prostate treatment cancer they take on the defeatist attitude. Perhaps it is the shock of finding out that they have prostate cancer that makes then react the way they do, or is it that denial kicks in and logic steps out, one would never be sure. It is only in your best interest that your doctor or specialist would advice you to undergo prostate cancer treatment

Reach Out For Help When Undergoing Prostate Treatment Cancer

There is no act more destructive than people giving into self-pity. If you find out that you have prostate cancer then you will need to be pro active. The best thing is to surround yourself with a support network of people who will be willing to invest the time to get you through this trial in your life.

Prostate cancer treatment gives you a chance to say that at least your life will not end without a fight. It is also providing you with a chance to take up the fight, which is sometimes not possible with other illnesses and diseases.

What you need to remember is that your family and friend want to be that network of support that you can depend and rely on during the heart time of undergoing prostate cancer treatment or option. It is only natural that you will need people when you are going through this battle for your life. It is not a reflection or weakness but instead being able to give the people who love you chance to do something that will help give you the strength to carry on when all things so to be going to pot.

It is through the love of others that we can find our own inner strength and will power to wake up to the challenges and become even stronger. This is the reason why humans have families and extended families, because no matter how dysfunctional a family may be it will pull together in times of trouble.

Latest Prostate Cancer Treatment

Is This All Mens Greatest Fear?

What makes us men? What literally and technically differentiates us from our equal female counterparts? Is it our build? We have female bodybuilders today who dwarf average men in size and strength. Is it the hair follicles that are more pronounced on our bodies? We have ladies today who take testosterone to fit their new lifestyle as men after they have been under the knife. So what is it that makes us men? A little organ called the prostate.

And what makes the prostate so special. It secretes part of the fluid that men release during procreation. That cannot be mimicked or cut away or added in any gender operation that we currently see in today’s society. It is there by design. So what happens when this all special gland comes under threat and there are suspicions of prostate cancer? Almost immediately, men would look at a prostate cancer treatment option.
And depending on the severity of the diagnosis men would most definitely be open to advanced prostate cancer treatment. And with the advances in medical technology and medicine today there are flurries of prostate cancer treatment options available. An example of a modern day prostate cancer treatment option is external beam radiation. Bracytherapy is another example of a common prostate cancer treatment option.

Surgery and hormone therapy would also fit the bill as prostate cancer treatment options, which are viable and commonly used in today’s medical arena. Needless to say that once men have been made aware of this imminent danger and are fortunate enough to come through with a full recovery, we then notice a drastic change in their health lifestyle.
Men will start to exercise more, eat healthier, even drink green tea, which studies show that is one of the main reasons that incidents of prostate cancer in Asia are so low. A great prostate cancer treatment option, I think, would be to prevent before it gets to a point of curing. Healthy lifestyles should be a priority of ours from the time we are boys until we are fully matured.

A number of studies exist to show that simple exercises, such as kegels, serve as a great preventative to prostate cancer but cannot be seen as a prostate cancer treatment option. There are alternative treatments available as well and we will have a look at these in the next paragraph.

Alternative Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer
These are some alternative treatments but still fit the bill as a prostate cancer treatment option: cryosurgery, gene therapy, complementary nutrition therapy and my personal favorite Trans Perineal Microwave Ablation of the Prostate (TAP). So to all the men out there, stay healthy.

What to Do about Enlarged Prostate

Researchers have yet to determine the precise cause of enlarged prostates. This condition, very common in males over age 50, can produce discomfort, embarrassing symptoms, and in some cases can be a precursor or indicator of prostate cancer. While enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) may not lead to anything more serious, it's important to consult with your physician and/or urologist and to closely monitor symptoms in order to make sure treatment is adequate and enlarged prostate medication, if any, is working properly.

Enlarged Prostate Causes

As previously mentioned, the actual cause of enlarged prostate is not known. However, many researchers believe that increased secretion of dyhydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone associated with prostate growth, may be related. Research is continuing into the origin, causes, and mechanisms of increased DHT levels. Until more is known, however, there are several things you can do to promote good prostate health and maintain awareness of changes in your condition.

Regular Exams and Tests

If you are experiencing the symptoms of enlarged prostate, including reduced or intermittent urinary flow, difficulty in urination, blood in the urine, or other symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor. Often, the first test will be a DRE, or digital rectal examination, in which your doctor will probe the prostate through the rectal wall to determine its shape, consistency, and size. Regular blood tests that include the PSA (prostate specific antigen) screening are also important. Elevated levels of PSA can—but do not always—indicate an enlarged prostate: cause for further testing and monitoring. Such "early warnings" can be an important source of information to help your doctor prescribe proper medication for your enlarged prostate, or even surgical treatment, if that proves necessary.

Medication Options

Two primary medication regimes exist for treating enlarged prostate. The first involves a class of drugs called alpha reductase inhibitors. These drugs work by reducing the body's ability to produce dyhydrotestosterone (DHT), since elevated levels of this hormone are thought to be a possible cause of enlarged prostates. A second class of drugs, alpha blockers, work by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue of the bladder outlet and prostate, allowing more ease in urination. Both types of drugs may cause temporary side effects. Your physician will be able to advise you of the best method of treatment, after taking into consideration your general health and other risk factors. If your BPH is not severe, medication may not even be indicated.

Which Enlarged Prostate Medication is Right for Me?

If you are a man above the age of 60, you have more than a 50% chance of having an enlarged prostate, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH). If you have been experiencing symptoms such as decreased or intermittent urinary flow, blood in the urine, a feeling of incomplete voiding after urination, or other uncomfortable or embarrassing symptoms, you should consult with your doctor to determine if you have an enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Depending on your general health and other risk factors, your doctor may prescribe medication for enlarged prostate.

Hormonal Inhibitors

One class of enlarged prostate medication, alpha reductase inhibitors, work by reducing the body's ability to convert testosterone to dyhydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone thought to be related to the growth of prostate cells. The theory with this treatment is that if the prostate can be induced to stop growing or even to shrink in size, symptoms will be alleviated. Examples of this class of enlarged prostate medication include such drugs as finasteride (Proscar®) and dutasteride (Avodart®). As much as six months of treatment may be required to determine if these enlarged prostate medications are working properly. Side effects of these drugs can include reduced libido, impotence, breast tenderness or enlargement, and reduced sperm counts.

Alpha Blockers

Another type of medication for enlarged prostate includes drugs known as alpha blockers. Alpha blockers work by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue of the bladder outlet and prostate, thus promoting easier flow of urine. Alfuzosin (UroXatral®), doxazosin (Cardura®), prazosin (Minipress®), tamsulosin hydrochloride (Flowmax®), and terazosin (Hytrin®) are some of the medications for enlarged prostate that contain alpha blockers. It's important to schedule followup visits with your doctor three or four weeks after beginning alpha blocker therapy to evaluate side effects, which can include dizziness, low blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, and breathing difficulty.

Is There a Natural Treatment for Enlarged Prostate?

Some patients may prefer herbal and non-medication remedies for enlarged prostate. The primary concern with herbal remedies is that such "dietary supplements" are not governed by the stringent regulations covering the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. It is very important, therefore, to assure yourself of the quality, purity, and consistency of any natural remedies that involve plant or animal extracts. However, some patients find that dietary adjustments can help. Eating natural, fresh, or organic foods low in preservatives and additives can aid prostate health, as well as avoiding processed sugars, hydrogenated oils, junk food, and alcohol (especially beer). Some patients have also found relief by certain types of hydrotherapy.

I Have Enlarged Prostate Symptom: What Now?

If you're a male over the age of 50 and you are experiencing the symptoms of enlarged prostate—restricted urine flow, frequent need to urinate, dribbling or "leaking" after urination, blood in the urine, or other urinary difficulties—chances are good that you have an enlarged prostate gland. What do you need to know, and what should you do? Fortunately, your problem is one shared by lots of other men your age. In fact, the National Institute of Health estimates that about half of the male population of age 60 or more experiences enlarged prostate or its symptoms. You are definitely not alone.

See Your Doctor

If you're having the symptoms of enlarged prostate, the first thing to do is consult your physician. One of the first ways that doctors determine the existence of enlarged prostate is by performing a digital-rectal examination (DRE). This simple test, which usually takes less than a minute, involves the doctor inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into the patient's rectum. The doctor probes the prostate gland through the rectal wall, assessing its size and consistency. Healthy prostate tissue feels pliant and springy, like the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Unhealthy prostate tissue feels hard, grainy, or uneven. If the doctor determines that unhealthy prostate tissue is present, he or she will probably recommend further testing. In many cases, however, the prostate, though enlarged, contains healthy tissue. In such instances, your doctor may recommend medication or mildly invasive treatment to alleviate the discomfort of enlarged prostate symptoms.

What if That's Not Enough?

If your doctor believes that unhealthy tissue is present, he or she may recommend a series of further tests to help rule out more serious conditions. One of the first tests that are often used is a blood test to reveal the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) in the body. The PSA test, in fact, is a good idea for all men over age 50, as a part of their annual medical screening. PSAs are produced by the cells of the membrane covering the prostate, and are often present in elevated quantities in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH—another term for enlarged prostate). PSAs can also be an important early warning for prostate cancer. However, just because you have high PSAs doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer; it just means that you need additional testing to determine your actual condition.

Enlarged Prostate Gland Treatment Options

If you and your doctor have determined that you have an enlarged prostate gland, the next decision involved determining the best course of treatment. Can you relieve your condition with medication? Do you need surgery for your enlarged prostate? Are there alternative forms of treatment available? What are the potential side effects? These are just a few questions that many men have once they have been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate gland.

Medication—or Not?

Mild enlargement of the prostate gland (sometimes called "benign prostatic hyperplasia," or BPH) sometimes does not even require medical treatment. A program of exercise, nutrition, and hydrotherapy may be all that you need to relieve your symptoms. Of course, you should discuss all symptoms and forms of treatment with your doctor. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a course of "watchful waiting:" you will return for annual examinations and blood test to carefully monitor your prostate gland, its enlargement, your prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, and other factors. You may be asked to describe symptoms to determine if your condition is worsening. Your physician may also record other information to better evaluate your risk factors. If your doctor chooses to prescribe medication, this may include drugs that inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone associated with prostate growth. Note that it may take as long as six months to determine if the medication is working properly. You will need to consult regularly with your doctor, who may need to adjust the dosage. Side effects of these drugs can include impotence, reduced libido, tenderness of the breast area, and reduced sperm count. Other medicines that may be prescribed are known as alpha blockers. They work by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue in the bladder opening and prostate area, which aids urinary flow. Side effects of alpha blockers can include headache, dizziness, low blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, and difficulty in breathing. You should consult regularly with your doctor to monitor how these drugs are affecting you.

Prostatic stents

Some patients with enlarged prostate glands who should not take medications or who are not good candidates for surgery can benefit from insertion of a prostatic stent. These are tiny spring-loaded devices that are inserted into the urethra. They press back the tissue surrounding the urethra, permitting increased flow of urine. The procedure is simple and can usually be performed as day surgery, in fifteen minutes or less, using local anesthesia. For some patients, however, the stents can painful or frequent urination. Up to one third of patients must have their stents removed, which is more difficult than insertion.

Should I Get Surgery for My Enlarged Prostate?

The key factor in determining whether you should have surgery for enlarged prostate is the cause of the enlarged prostate. If your prostate enlargement is caused by cell growth in the tissues surrounding the urethra, non-surgical treatment may alleviate your symptoms. If, however, the prostate is enlarged because of middle lobe prostate growth, the cells are growing into the urethra and the area around the bladder outlet. Correcting this form of enlarged prostate will likely require surgery.

How invasive?

All enlarged prostate surgery is definitely not the same. Surgical options vary from minimally invasive procedures involving thermal or laser application to more comprehensive solutions, up to removal of the prostate (prostatectomy). The choice will depend on your physician's evaluation of your general health and risk factors.

Laser, Microwave, and Ultrasound

Advances in technology have created some less invasive means for alleviating symptoms. These forms of enlarged prostate surgery are often performed in the urologist's office and may require little or no anesthesia. If lasers are used, they work by directing a high-energy beam of light against obstructing tissues. The tissues are vaporized and the area of treatment is sealed. Usually, the procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Patients can sometimes experience bloody urine for a week or so. Usually a catheter will be necessary until full bladder function returns. Some sexual side effects may also occur in rare cases. In microwave treatment, an antenna, sealed inside a catheter, is introduced into the prostate through the urethra. Heat is directed into the obstructing tissue to destroy it. The destroyed tissue is either reabsorbed by the body or eliminated through the urinary tract over a period of a few weeks. Sometimes temporary catheterization is necessary to promote proper drainage, and some patients experience mild side effects that usually subside after a few weeks. Ultrasound therapy is a new procedure undergoing clinical trials, in which high-energy sound waves are used to heat and destroy obstructing tissues.

Other Surgical Procedures

Trans-urethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a form of enlarged prostate surgery in which the surgeon inserts a resectoscope into the urethral opening in the penis, then surgically removes obstructing tissue. The resectoscope is a small, tubular device that contains a light, valves for controlling irrigating fluid, and an electrical loop for removing tissue and sealing blood vessels. The obstructing tissue is removed, the area is irrigated with fluid to flush debris into the bladder, and the area is sealed. This procedure usually involves a 3-day hospital stay. Up to 30% of men who have this procedure experience some sexual side effects, but these often resolve over time.

Enlarged Prostate: What Does It Mean?

Recent estimates from the National Institute of Health (NIH) indicate that as many as 50% of men over age 60 and 90% of men over age 70 have an enlarged prostate, sometimes called "benign prostatic hyperplasia," or "BPH." Though researchers don't know exactly what triggers the onset of BPH, it is thought that hormonal changes may contribute to enlarged prostate symptoms and conditions. The first thing most men think of if they have enlarged prostates is prostate cancer, but the good news is that just because you have an enlarged prostate doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer.


The prostate is a walnut-sized, doughnut-shaped gland that surrounds the urethra. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Sometimes, the cells around the urethra begin to grow, squeezing the urethra like a pinched soda straw. In other instances, cells in the middle lobe of the prostate grow into the urethra and the area of the bladder outlet. This type of BPH generally requires surgical correction.

Who Is at Risk for Enlarged Prostate?

Nearly all men over the age of 50 have some enlargement of the prostate. In fact, age is the primary known risk factor for enlarged prostate. As mentioned above, the precise cause or trigger for BPH is not known, but hormonal effects are believed to be associated with the condition. Testosterone, produced in the testes, is converted by the body into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estriadol (estrogen). Some researchers believe that high levels of DHT, a hormone associated with prostate growth, may begin to accumulate in the tissues and contribute to abnormal prostate growth. Researchers are still trying to figure out why DHT levels rise in older men, and exactly how the hormone affects prostate growth.

How Do I Know if I Have Enlarged Prostate?

The most common signs of BPH include difficulty in urinating; restricted or intermittent flow of urine; blood in the urine (often caused by straining to produce urine flow); dribbling after urination; a persistent feeling of needing to urinate; and a recurrent, sudden, urgent need to urinate. In more severe cases, acute urinary retention can occur, a condition where the urinary sphincter is unable to relax sufficiently to allow the flow of urine. This problem can be made worse by certain prescription or over-the-counter drugs (especially antihistamines and decongestants) containing epinephrine, ipratropium bromide, or albuterol. In the most severe cases, catheterization may be the only way to gain relief.

Prostate Cancer Screening Test

At a certain age men must decide whether or not to undergo prostate cancer screening tests that will help determine the exact level of PSA or Prostate Specific Antigen in their blood; when the PSA level rises so too do the risks of developing prostate cancer. Furthermore, when the results of a PSA blood test indicate elevated levels of PSA it is then necessary to undergo a number of biopsies of the prostate. In case cancer is detected it will mean having to find a suitable treatment for the condition.

Will It Save Lives?

Some of the more common prostate cancer treatments available include surgery as well as external or internal radiotherapy and even ultrasound. However, before selecting a treatment option it also means needing to undergo prostate cancer screening; many people however wonder whether or not such screening tests will be of much help in saving lives or not. The fact of the matter is that only quite recently the US Preventive Services Task force issued recommendations in regard to whether or not it will benefit you to get prostate cancer screening tests done.

According to these recommendations, it is unwise for men over the age of seventy-five to undergo prostate cancer screening because of absence of any proof that treatment of prostate cancer in patients of that age will indeed help save their lives; or, even increase their lifespan. Furthermore, these same guidelines mention that there is no way to conclude whether or not prostate cancer screening will actually even help persons who are aged below seventy-five.

Opponents of prostate cancer screening argue that there are many dangers to performing these tests including side effects such as erectile dysfunction and incontinence and more. According to them, these downsides far outweigh the benefits such as increased lifespan. It is really up to the individual to decide whether or not prostate cancer screening is beneficial to their health.

In any case, according to American Cancer Society Guidelines, the prostate cancer screening must be offered to those males that have attained fifty years of age and who have a reasonable chance of living for another ten years. In addition, it is also recommended that prior to administering the prostate cancer screening test, the patient must be informed about the pros and cons of the test so that they can decide whether to proceed or not.

It is also necessary to understand another form of prostate cancer; benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate is something that affects men in their middle to late years. In regard to whether it is wise to get a prostate cancer screening test done or not you will do well to consult with a medical healthcare professional to find out whether relative advantages outweigh the relative disadvantages; if so, then you can go ahead and get the prostate cancer screening test done.

Certain Foods Can Help In Prostate Cancer Prevention

Prostate cancer prevention has become more effective in the recent past mainly because of the sincere efforts being put in by members of the scientific as well as medical communities. In fact, over the recent past a lot more has been learnt about the different causes as well as risk factors related to prostate cancer and this knowledge has led to better means of preventing prostate cancer.

Risk Factors

There are many different risk factors involved including the racial background of the patient, his or her family history of the disease as well age. These factors are unchangeable though other factors including weight and diet can be brought under control to aid in prostate cancer prevention. According to studies conducted in the recent past, men need to forswear consuming red meats as wells as foods with high fat content in order to prevent the disease from affecting them; in addition, they must also eat plenty of vegetables as well as fruits on a daily basis.

To succeed with prostate cancer prevention also requires, besides changing the diet, taking plenty of regular exercises so that you are able to maintain the recommended body weight. To help find out more about how best to succeed with prostate cancer prevention many more and larger studies are being undertaken; especially studies related to vitamin E and selenium as well as regarding drugs called 5-alph-reductase inhibitors that may help in prostate cancer prevention.

In any case, Lycopene has been found to be especially promising in being able to prevent this disease. Lycopene is found in guavas, tomatoes and red grapefruit as well as in watermelons and it contains powerful anti-oxidants that will protect your body from producing free radicals that would otherwise have damaged cells in your body and possible led to occurrence of prostate cancer.

According to studies conducted by the Harvard Medical School it has been found that there are 4 different foods that are able to help in prostate cancer prevention: tomato sauce; pizza along with tomato sauce; tomatoes as well as strawberries. By taking as many as ten plus servings of these foods you will stand to have a better than forty-five percent chance in succeeding in prostate cancer prevention.

It is in fact, prostate cancer research that holds the key to not only succeeding in prostate cancer prevention, but also in finding solutions to the problem after it has developed. Different studies are coming up with different solutions; it is also expected that further studies on the topic of Lycopene will show us how prostate cancer prevention can be made more effective and successful.

Prostate Cancer Research Is Bringing Down Mortality Rates

It is unfortunate that people that have or suspect that they have prostate cancer do not like to talk about their problems in spite of the fact that prostate cancer is the second most dangerous form of cancer that causes, it is believed, as many as thirty thousand deaths amongst American males on a yearly basis. In fact, some very famous personalities have lost their lives due to prostate cancer and among them are names such as Frank Zappa, Telly Savalas and Don Ameche.

Famous Personalities

When famous personalities lend their voices to the ongoing fight against prostate cancer, you can be sure that the effort put into finding out the truth behind this disease will be more; especially with the likes of General Norman Schwarzkopf discussing the problem in the open. Now-a-days, prostate cancer research has become a more open topic and there is also more effort being put into finding new solutions.

Present day prostate cancer research is involved in studying the various causes as well as treatment options and ways to prevent the disease. The good news is that results of ongoing prostate cancer research are slowing down the fatality rate of prostate cancer patients and is also helping to educate the ordinary person about the effects and consequences of suffering from prostate cancer.

There is however a lot of scope for improvement as to how far the medical community can do for making prostate cancer research provide better results. The truth of the matter is that still many cases of prostate cancer are going undetected until the disease has become well entrenched and has begun to spread to surrounding areas. The medical fraternity needs to know how to detect the disease in time and must therefore delve even further into the way that this disease occurs.

According to findings of prostate cancer research it has in fact, been established that the best treatment for prostate cancer is hormone therapy that mainly attempts to slow down the development and spreading of the condition. In addition, research findings will hopefully also help to improve the quality of life of the patient. Furthermore, another point of focus of modern day prostate cancer research is to identify suitable drugs with which to treat the disease.

It is also hoped that the fruits of prostate cancer research will end up yielding even more positive results including being able to diagnose and detect the disease in its infancy and also be able to come up with suitable treatments that will help prevent the disease from spreading.

Prostate cancer screening tests are almost a necessity for men that have attained a certain age as these tests will help determine how much of PSA there is in your blood; high levels indicate that the chances of developing prostate cancer are more.

Prostate cancer research must aim at drawing the attention of the public regarding the dangers of ignoring prostate cancer, (whenever it occurs,) and to also disseminate information about how to detect, treat and cope with this disease at an early stage.

Prostate Cancer Surgery: A One Time Procedure

Prostate cancer has many different treatments though prostate cancer surgery is without any doubt one of the best options; especially, when the prostate cancer is still in its infancy. The medical term for prostate cancer surgery is prostatectomy and this is a procedure that helps surgeons remove the prostate gland as well as any cancerous cells within the prostate gland. There are two ways to perform prostate cancer surgery: either as open surgery or as laparoscopically/robotically.

By Tradition

By tradition, prostate cancer surgery involves needing to make an incision into the lower region of the patient’s abdomen from where it is easy to gain access to the prostate gland which can then be surgically removed. Such type of surgery is generally used only when the patient has an exceptionally large prostate or when doctors suspect cancer that in turn needs to be surgically removed.

However, open prostate cancer surgery is not without its risks as in the process of removing the prostate gland there is danger of damaging the muscles, nerves as well as surrounding tissues close to the prostate gland, and this in turn, can lead to sexual dysfunction. However, new techniques have become known to surgeons who are now able to perform prostate cancer surgery with lower risk and so, surgeons now use techniques that will ensure that no damage is done to the nerves, tissues or muscles.

Laparoscopic surgery involves making a few tiny incisions in the abdomen and then, thin as well as long instruments are inserted into these holes in order to light up the prostate gland which is then videographed after which instruments are inserted in order to facilitate removal of the offending prostate gland.

As far as latest prostate cancer surgery techniques go; the one that is used most often is da Vinci system which also uses robotic means and requires a pair of surgeons to complete the task. The first of two surgeons needs to do the normal operation while his partner uses a computer to maneuver the operations of a robotic arm. There are several advantages to using robot controlled surgery; especially, when it concerns performing truly delicate maneuvers.

Prostate cancer prognosis depends to a large extent on the stage as well as grade of cancer rather than on the actual treatment. Getting prostate cancer surgery done is advantageous in that it only involves having to undergo only a single treatment; though of course it also presupposes the fact that the cancer is only in the prostate gland and has not spread to other parts of the body. Not having prostate cancer surgery done or leaving prostate cancer untreated can lead to incontinence as well as impotence.

Timely Prostate Cancer Prognosis Of Low Grade Instances Can Help You Live Longer

The best way to ensure that you succeed in living a long and healthy life is to remain free from diseases; this can ensure that you are able to add as many as ten to fifteen years to your lifespan and requires, in the case of any health related problems, having prognosis of the condition done well in time. In the case of prostate cancer prognosis, it will help if your tumor is slow in developing and is also of the small size. Fortunately, there is enough evidence to show that as many as, it is believed, three-fourths of all those who have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and who have localized tumors will survive and live on for many more years.

Different Stages

There are different stages of prostate cancer and so, any prostate cancer prognosis done must deal with these different types. Typically, prostate cancer prognosis for Stage I and Stage II prostate cancer is the more common one and chances of survival in such cases are on the high side. In case you fall in the bracket of patients in the median age of seventy-two years you can expect to live no longer than another ten to fourteen years. However, if your prostate cancer is of a low grade you can expect to live even longer.

Once the prostate cancer prognosis has been performed, you can then adopt different actions in order to combat the disease. Watchful waiting is one option open to you; surgery or even radiation therapy is another option and is ideally suited for men whose tumors are poorly differentiated.

Prostate cancer trails only lung cancer as being the most deadly form of cancer and it is especially most dangerous for American males. However, since most prostate tumors are of low grade and do not grow rapidly, chances of survival will improve when prostate cancer prognosis is able to establish the presence of the disease at an early stage. In fact, it is believed that rates of curing prostate cancer when the disease is prognosis is done at an early stage are as high as an astonishing ninety-eight percent.

In case prostate cancer prognosis is done when the disease is at a later stage and when the disease has spread beyond your prostate gland you will experience greater difficulties in finding a suitable cure; nevertheless, rate of survival can be improved upon except when metastasized cancer has developed.

It is certainly worthwhile understanding what steps to take in regard to prostate cancer prevention and in this regard the scientific as well as medical community has spared no effort in coming up with suitable solutions.

Prostate cancer prognosis can also involve cases in which the disease recurs; even so, the good news is that such problems are curable – provided that the disease is contained inside of the prostate and not allowed to spread.