Rabu, 23 April 2008


This infection is caused by a bacillus similar to that which is responsible for tuberculosis. Swimming pool granuloma may develop after swimming in an indoor pool or almost any type of outdoor body of water. Infection begins at the point of a break in the skin and develops locally, with the first signs appearing several weeks after the initial wound has healed. Lesions normally are seen on the elbows but may appear on any area that is easily abraded. A bump appears and enlarges to form a thick, crusty, reddish-purple plaque. This plaque is raised and firm but not tender. The infection remains localized at the site of the initial wound, but the lesions, which heal of their own accord, can linger for several months or up to two years.

Treatment and Prevention - SWIMMING POOL GRANULOMA
Measures to protect the skin, and careful cleansing of any abrasions or cuts that occur in the water, are the most effective ways to prevent this disease.


Abrasions, such as scuff bums or mat bums, are caused by rubbing or scraping off the outer layers of the skin. Some bruising is often present, but the wound does not penetrate the skin; if it did it would be a laceration. Abrasions often occur over the elbows and knees, as well as on the shins, over the hip bones and on the backs of the hands.

Chafing develops when the uppermost layer of the skin is rubbed repeatedly. This injury is analogous to a mild abrasion, and often occurs in the groin or nipples of runners and other athletes, under the arms, or in any areas subject to friction.


Thorough cleansing of the wound is the most important step in treatment. Bland white soap and water is quite adequate but anti­bacterial soaps can be used. If dirt and debris are embedded in the wound, a soft brush should be used to scrub this foreign matter out. If cleansing is adequate, further treatment by topical anti­septics is not needed. Sterile dressings may be used to protect the wound and keep it clean. Antibiotic ointments, creams, or sterile petrolatum, which prevent drying of the wound and sticking of the dressing, can be used, but greasy ointments should be avoided if the wound is oozing.


Pads over the elbows, knees and hips shield these bony surfaces. Areas of friction, such as the groin and nipples, can be protected by the liberal application of thick ointments, such as petrolatum (petroleum jelly) or lanolin. Nylon briefs are often less abrasive than athletic supporters, and running shorts with built-in mesh supporters can be helpful. Wet bathing suits, especially those that are salty and sandy, should not be worn for long periods since chafing is likely to result.

Minggu, 13 April 2008


Chemical conjunctivitis is an eye irritation that affects practi­cally all pool swimmers at some time. The eyes become red, sensitive and teary as if something gritty were in them. Conjunctivitis is also caused by pool additives; it is mild and usually clears up overnight. It may be treated with bland eye drops and rest for the eyes.

Pool Swimmers and BACTERIAL RASHES (Pseudomonas)

The Pseudomonas bacteria sometimes produce rashes in pool swimmers, and Pseudomonas rash might also be picked up in contaminated whirlpool baths. The rash begins one to three days after bathing in the contaminated water. The eruption is itchy and consists of flat red spots, pustules (pus bumps) or small blisters. The trunk and arms are affected, especially the area under the bathing suit, while the head and neck are spared. This rash resolves in a few days without treatment.

SWIMMER'S EAR (Otitis externa) - Treatment & Prevention Guide

Swimmer's ear is an infection of the external ear canal that is in no way limited to pool swimmers. The Pseudonomas bacteria is usually responsible, but swimmer's ear is often confused with eczema since the latter occurs frequently in the ears.

Itching is usually the sign of the onset of swimmer's ear, fol­lowed by pain and a feeling of fullness in the ear. The outer ear appears normal, but the external canal may be very tender. Pres­sing on the ear or pulling on the ear lobe causes pain.

Treatment - SWIMMER'S EAR (Otitis externa)

The most effective medications require prescriptions. During treatment, it may be necessary to stay out of the water until the infection has resolved.

Prevention- SWIMMER'S EAR (Otitis externa)

One of the major goals is to keep water out the ears; using earplugs or wearing a bathing cap while showering may not be entirely effective. Vigorously shaking the head, fanning the ear canal, opening or blowing it with a hair dryer will help dry the ear canal. Foreign matter should never be inserted into the ear canal, particularly hard, sharp objects. Such trauma to the ear canal may upset the delicate chemical and bacterial balance there, opening the way for infections. It is not necessary to clean the wax out of the ear. If one insists on pursuing earwax or if wax has blocked the ear, drops are available to soften and help remove these secretions.

Acetic acid in water or alcohol is an excellent preventive for swimmer's ear, since the Pseudomonas bacteria can't tolerate an acidic environment. A useful solution can be made from white household vinegar with equal parts water, glycerine or rubbing alcohol. This will yield the desired 2 to 2 1/2 percent acid solution, and should be dropped into the ear canal after swimming and anytime the ear is wet.


The skin may be abraded or rubbed raw by tight, wet or salty swimsuits or athletic supporters. This usually results from pro­longed wearing of such items during active periods. Salt water and sand increases the chafing considerably because of the pre­sence of fine, abrasive grains.

Treatment and Prevention
Treatment of these abrasions is the same as that for ordinary abrasions: thorough cleansing is the prime goal. Nylon briefs dry more rapidly and are less abrasive than other materials. Wet swimsuits should be changed as soon as 'possible, especially if they are salty or sandy.


Chlorine and other chemicals can dehydrate the skin and hair by removing natural oils. The bleaching effects of chlorine have been known to turn blond hair even lighter, and in some cases green if there is excess copper in the water. This depends upon the amount of chlorine in the water, length of time in the water, and the amount of sun exposure. Shampooing after leaving the pool can prevent these problems.


Surfers are exposed to several hazards of the beach and ocean. A condition peculiar to surfers is known as surfers' knots. These knots develop on the tops of the feet or just below the knees, and are caused by repeated and prolonged kneeling on surfboards. Small fractures or chips. of bone may be present in the feet be­neath the knots. During the initial months of surfing, these lesions are soft, red and very painful, but after one or two years, they become firm and fibrous.

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Why You Should Have Sex on a Daily Basis

Are you in a relationship? If you are, are you pleased with the frequency of intimacy? If you would like to be more sexually active with your partner, you will want to set a goal for yourself. Share that goal with your partner. The two of you can make a game out of trying to achieve. To get you started, a great goal to have is having sex on a daily basis.

Being intimate on a daily basis? Right now, you are either thinking two things. First, you may be thinking “we already do that!” If so, good for you. You officially have a happy and healthy sex life. On the other, you may be thinking “no way, there is no time.” If that is the case, know it isn’t true. You may be surprised just how many couples out there have sexual relations on a daily basis. It is also important to note that these couples often have the healthiest and happiest relationships of all.

As for why you should set the goal of being intimate on a daily basis, you will find that dong so is healthy for your relationship. As previously stated, couples who have intimacy on a daily basis often have the healthiest relationships. When in a serious relationship, intimacy is important. Yes, your relationship should not be based on sex, but it is a huge component of it. Connecting intimately shows your partner that you truly love them. So why not take steps to express your love everyday?

Your chances of experimenting are also likely to increase when you have sexual relations on a daily basis. Why? Because if you have sex daily, you may honestly get bored with that you are doing. However, instead of opting to reduce the frequency of intimacy, many couples decide to experiment instead. This is something that may provide you with excitement or a source of motivation. This experimentation may involve the use of sex toys, pornographic videos, new positions, and role playing.

Sex is also good for your health. That is just another one of the many reasons why you may want to set a daily goal. Those who have healthy sex lives are less likely to suffer from stress and depression. This may improve your relationship by limiting the amount of disagreements you and your partner have. It is also important to note that sex burns calories. What could be better than working to lose weight while being adventurous with the man or woman you love?

The above mentioned information was designed for men and women who are in exclusive relationships, such as a marriage. If you are not involved with anyone right now, daily sex may not be a wise idea for you. This is because you may end up with a different partner each and every night. A s fun and as exciting as this may sound, you may end up putting your health at risk. Remember that your risk of developing a sexually transmitted disease increases with each additional sex partner you have.

In conclusion, having sex on a daily basis is a good idea. If you aren’t already having daily sex, it may be a wise idea to set the goal. You may be surprised just how much daily, intense intimacy can help to improve your relationship.

When Professional Help Is Needed to Help You Have a Better Sex Life

Are you married? If you are, are you currently satisfied with the level and amount of intimacy that you receive? If you are not, you may want to take action right away. Although a marriage should not be built on sex, it is still an important component.

Unfortunately, when it comes to intimacy and not receiving enough of it, there are many husbands and wives who automatically think that their marriage is over. Why? Because many believe that a poor level of intimacy is the sign of boredom or the lack of love. Yes, this can be true in some cases, but only a small number of cases.

What you need to realize about intimacy is that there are a number of reasons why problems occur. Just because your husband or wife does not want to be intimate with you or if they act like they want to get through the whole experience as quickly as possible, it does not mean that there is something wrong with you. There may be other issues to blame, other issues that may require professional help.

Some men and women just have low sex drives. They may have always been this way or their need may have decreased with age. In these types of situations, professional help is advised. Some men and women can try their hardest, but they still aren’t interested in getting intimate with their spouses, no matter how much they do love and cherish them.

If you suspect that you or your partner has a decreased sex drive, medical attention is advised. It is important to know that there are many solutions to the problem. Both men and women can use medication to revive their sexual wants and needs. Speaking of medication, did you also know that medication can be to blame? Some prescription medications have side effects that include a decreased sex drive.

If there is no physical or emotional reason for your lack of intimacy, such as depression or a low sex drive, professional help is still advised. This is particularly true if you are married. Marriages should be worth saving. You and your spouse are encouraged to attend marriage counseling together. After a close examination, you may find a ton of other reasons why your intimacy isn’t what it should be. These additional reasons may include being concerned with work or being concerned with money. A marriage counselor can help you work through those concerns, which may help to improve the level and amount of intimacy that you receive at home.

Despite the fact that there are times when professional help is needed to improve intimacy in a marriage, there are many individuals and couples who opt not to seek professional help. One of the most common reasons for doing so is embarrassment. If you are on the one who is embarrassed, it is important to remember that intimacy problems are actually very common in a marriage, especially a long-term marriage. Do not be afraid to seek professional help.

As a recap, if you are unsatisfied with the current level of intimacy that you are receiving in your marriage, professional help may be needed. There may be an underlying issue that needs to be discussed or treated. Don’t let your fear of embarrassment hold back you or your relationship.

Tips for Buying Sex Toys and Accessories

Are you looking for an easy way to spice up your sex life with your spouse? If you are, you should know that experimenting in the bedroom has been successful for many couples, just like you.

As nice as it is to know that experimenting in the bedroom may help to revive the romance in your relationship and improve your satisfaction in the bedroom, you may be curious about the buying process. This is because one of the first ways that married couples experiment in the bedroom is with the use of sex toys and other similar accessories.

If this is the first time that you are looking to purchase sex toys and other similar accessories, you may be a little bit nervous about doing so. In fact, you may be downright fearful of the whole process. You are, please continue reading on, as some helpful buying tips are covered below.

First, it is important to know that sex toys and other similar accessories come in a number of different formats. You can purchase pleasure enhancing toys, role playing toys, massage oils and so forth. This is important to know as it may eliminate some of the fear associated with going into a sex toy store and buying something that will bring attention to yourself, like a huge blowup doll.

Speaking of bringing attention to yourself, it is important to know that the use of sex toys in intimacy is increasing in popularity. Many individuals are finding them to be a great new way to bring passion and excitement into the bedroom. Although you might not know it, there is a good chance that your friends and even some of your relatives use these popular toys and accessories. Knowing that you are not alone may help to make the buying process a lot easier.

If you live near a large city or town, you should have multiple sex toy and accessory shops for you to choose from. With that said, it you would prefer to shop online, you can do that as well. For shopping online, perform a standard internet search the type of items or accessories you are looking for. Choose a website that has a large selection of sex toys and similar accessories available for sale, a website that has good prices, and one that looks reputable.

Many couples prefer shopping online for sex toys, as it does tend to limit the embarrassment. The only thing is that you need to be careful with who you shop with. You will want to do business with a company that is discrete. Make sure your package doesn’t arrive with a phrase like “We Sell Sex Toys,” plastered around the box. Also, what will appear on your credit card or bank statements? This may be a concern of yours if you don’t want what seems like the whole world knowing what you do in your private life.

As a reminder, as fearful as you may be of walking into a sex store for the first time or as worried you may be having a red box that screams sexual contents sitting on your doorstep, don’t worry. Remember that a lot of couples use sex toys as a way to bring fun and excitement into the bedroom. If you are looking to spice up your sex life, visit a local store with your spouse or browse the internet together. This alone may help to get you in the mood.

Unhappy In Bed? Should You Talk to Your Partner?

Are you in a relationship? If you are, are you currently happy with your sex life or the level of intimacy that you and your partner share? If not, you may be unsure as to how to proceed. You may be interested in talking to your partner, but you may also be nervous and fearful at the same time.

So, is it a good idea to let your partner know that you are unhappy in bed? Of course it is. A dull or boring sex life can have a negative impact on a relationship. It is also important to note that an open line of communication is an important component of a happy and healthy relationship, both in the physical and emotional sense. If you cannot talk to your partner about sex, how do you honestly expect your relationship to continue on?

As it was previously stated, communication is key to a successful relationship and not just in the bedroom. If you can talk to your partner about sex, you can likely talk to them about anything. This means that your relationship is less likely to suffer from a lack of communication or poor communication. This may translate into less arguments and more time in the bedroom.

Another reason why you should talk to your partner if you are currently unhappy with the intimacy received is because it will improve. The last thing that your partner wants to hear is that they aren’t providing you with enough pleasure and excitement. As soon as your wants, needs, and desires are openly discussed, your intimacy levels may skyrocket. It is also important to note that you will eventually end up being more satisfied in bed.

Another reason why all intimacy problems should be discussed with your partner is because they too can be satisfied more. When you do bring about the discussion of sex but sure not to just focus on your wants, needs and desires. Ask your partner for input as well. They may have their own suggestions. To have a happy and healthy relationship, as well as sex life, both of you need to be satisfied. Pleasure should not be one sided only.

Although there are a number of pros and cons to talking about your unhappiness in bed with your partner, there are also a number of downsides to doing so as well. One of those being difficulty. For many men and women, the subject of sex can be discomforting to talk about. Add in the fact that you are expressing displeasure or the need for change and an uncomfortable situation may ensure.

It is also important to note that talking about your unhappiness in bed can also have an adverse, negative effect on your relationship. Yes, it is important to have an open line of communication in any serious relationship, but there are some things that people just do not want to hear. Do not be surprised if your partner gets defensive when talking to you. In fact, you may want to prepare for it. It is natural for both men and women to get defensive when they are essentially being told that their sex isn’t good enough and needs improvement.

If you do decide to talk to your partner about improving your intimacy in the bedroom, just be sure to use caution and your best judgment. Do not criticize your partner and try to not make them feel inadequate. Gently approaching the situation has a number of benefits, including the elimination of hurt feelings. It also better allows you to have an open, honest, and mature discussion.

As a reminder, there are a number of pros and cons to talking to your partner about your unhappiness with your intimacy. With that being, the end result is often well worth the discussion. Just remember to be careful about your approach, as how you start the conversation and what you say during it may have a significant impact on the outcome.

How to Talk to Your Husband About Sex

Are you married? If so, there is a lot that you and your wife probably discuss throughout the day. Your conversation topics may cover work, family, and the bills. What about sex? Do you and your husband talk about sex? If not, it may be something that you need to discuss with him. One of the biggest signs that a conversation is needed is if you are currently unhappy in the bedroom. As much as you may want to talk to your husband about making improvements in the bedroom, you may be curious as to whether or not it is really a good idea.

So, is it a good idea to talk to your husband about sex? Yes, it is and it is something that you two should discuss. In fact, an open line of communication is important for all relationships to succeed. Poor communication is often the downfall of many marriages. A lack of communication or poor communication may have a negative effect on your whole relationship, not just your sex life. As a wife, it is your responsibility to talk to your husband and to keep an open line of communication. If you don’t, you may end up putting your happiness and your marriage on the line. Do not let this happen to you.

As for the talk itself, it is important that you proceed with caution. Do not criticize your husband or make them feel inadequate. If there is one thing that men take pride in, it is their ability to have sex and please their partners. Unfortunately, that pleasure may not be enough for you. Yes, you want to bring this to the attention of your husband, but do so gently. Outright telling your husband that he isn’t fulfilling your needs is likely to create even more problems in your relationship. Instead, gently approach the subject. You may want to start by casually making a suggestion, such as a new position.

Next, it is important to listen to what your husband has to say. This is important as your communication should not be one sided. When talking to your husband about intimacy say what you have to say, but then let them speak his mind.

Why it is so important to listen to what your husband has to say concerning intimacy? For starters, as previously stated, a happy and healthy relationship must involve communication from other parties, not just one sided conversations. It is also important to note that their may be a good reason why your husband may not be performing up to your standards in the bedroom. Are they experiencing uncertainty due to an increase in age, a weight gain, or another change in physical appearance? What about medical problems? Did you know that some medical conditions, such as depression, and some medicines can lead to a decrease in the want or need for intimacy?

Even with the above mentioned tips, you may still be unsure as to how you should talk to your husband about sex. You may be feeling this way if you are worried about the consequences or hurting his feelings. This is completely natural, but do know that you do have another option. Consider giving a gift or performing a gesture that may lead to the topic of intimacy being discussed. Whether you plan a spontaneous romantic dinner, purchase a romantic or pornographic movie, or buy something sexy for your husband to wear, a gift may help to get a new conversation started.

As previously stated, talking to your husband about sex and intimacy may be hard for you. With that said, it is important that you do have the talk. Not only is an open line of communication important for intimacy, but it is also important for a healthy relationship in general. As reminder, don’t just talk to your husband about sex, but be sure to listen to what he has to say as well.

The Pros and Cons of Experimenting in the Bedroom

Are you unhappy with your sex life right now? If you are, you may have thought of ending your relationship. Of course, it is your decision to do so, but did you know that you can use experimentation as a way to improve your sex life? You can. Experimenting in the bedroom has proven successful for many couples.

As nice as it is to hear that experimentation in the bedroom can help to improve your sex life, you may be a little bit nervous about the whole process. After all, you do have to get your partner to agree. In fact, this is where the discomfort comes in. Why? Because there are a number of pros and cons to experimenting the in the bedroom.

One of many pros or plus sides to experimenting in the bedroom is that you get a change.
A change can always do you good. In fact, in many relationships, a change is vital to is survival. If your sexual life feels more like a chore or a requirement, it is important that you take action right away, before it ends up being too late.

Another pro or plus side to experimenting in the bedroom is the improvement that your sex life can see. As previously stated, a change does most relationships good. Trying new things in the bedroom can bring new blood, romance, and excitement into your relationship. You may find yourself being happier, as well as more pleased after being intimate with your partner.

The options that you have are another one of the many reasons why experimenting in the bedroom is a good idea. Unfortunately, when many men and women think of experimenting in the bedroom, kinky things often come to mind, such as an additional partner. Of course, you can go this way if you would like, but you don’t have to. Experimenting in the bedroom can be something as simple as changing positions or role playing. Additional options involve dressing up in sexy costumes, the use of sex toys, and the use of romantic or pornographic films.

Although there are a number or pros or plus sides to experimenting in the bedroom it is also important to remember that there are cons or downsides to doing so as well. One of those is approaching your partner with the subject. If you are in a mature relationship, you should be able to openly discuss sex with your partner. With that said, experimenting in the bedroom is a topic that can be touchy. Your partner may automatically think that they aren’t providing you with enough pleasure, like what they have to give just isn’t good enough. With that said, be sure to proceed with caution. Offer up a few suggestions, but let your partner toss in a few of his or her own ideas.

Another one of the many cons or downsides to experimenting in the bedroom is the fact that your partner may not be up the change. They may believe that your sex life is just fine the way that it is. While it is important to not be too pushy, you also want to get your point across. Your partner needs to realize that a healthy relationship involves two people, not just one. If your partner is offended with your suggestions, give them time. As previously stated, many men and women believe that experimentation is needed because they aren’t good enough in the bedroom. Even if that wasn’t the point you were trying to make, still give your partner time to come around.

As recap, there both a number of pros and cons to experimenting in the bedroom. So what should you do? Your actions should all depend on your wants and needs. Your relationship will only get worse if you are not happy, physically or emotionally. Talk to your partner about experimenting in the bedroom. You may be surprised just how acceptable they are of your suggestion.

Having Sex After Having a Baby: Tips for Husbands

Has there recently been a new addition to your family? If so, congratulations! There is nothing more exciting or rewarding than becoming a parent.

As rewarding and as exciting as it can be to be a new parent, you may want to start returning to your normal routines. Depending on your relationship with your wife, that routine may have involved daily or regular sex. Unfortunately, many men are disappointed to learn that their sex life is not going to be what it was like before, at least right away.

If this is your first child, you may not be familiar with how sex after a baby works for women. If that is the case, please continue reading on, as a few helpful tips are outlined below for your convenience.

Most importantly it is important to give your wife space and time. She may not be ready for sex yet, emotionally or physically. In fact, did you know that women need time to heal after having a baby? Many doctors recommend waiting at least a month before having sex after giving birth. With that said, your wife may be different. She may be ready to resume intimacy sooner or later than the average, recommended time frame.

In keeping with giving your wife time, it is important to not have high expectations right away. These expectations should also include more than just intimacy. As previously stated, having a baby is exciting and rewarding, but it can also be very overwhelming for new parents, especially moms. Late night feeding sessions and fussy babies may prevent your wife from wanting to initiate sex, as well as getting many of her daily tasks completed, like cleaning the house or having dinner prepared on time.

Speaking of which, if you want to improve the intimacy in your relationship and not just in the bedroom, be sure to help your wife out. This may involve taking a late night feeding session with your new baby, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, and so forth. Many new moms feel so helpless and overwhelmed immediately following the birth of a baby. Do not let your wife feel this way. The kind gestures of helping on your part may improve your relationship and in more ways than one.

It is also important to not push your wife to have sexual relations with you when she is uncomfortable or unready to do so. As previously stated, it does take women time to heal after having a baby. It is also important to take other factors into consideration. Is your baby sleeping in your room? If so, your wife may not feel comfortable being intimate then. Your wife may also not be ready to hire a baby sitter or even allow a trusted relative to care for your child. This means that a romantic weekend or night away is often out of the question. Most new moms needs months or even longer before they are ready for this big step.

Since there is a good chance that your wife may not be ready to resume intimacy in your relationship, it is important to be patient. Instead of dwelling on not having sex, work for it. Use the time to “wow,” your wife all over again. Do so with romantic gestures, such as preparing a nice dinner at home, flowers, and love notes.

How to Approach the Subject of Experimenting in the Bedroom

Are you bored with your sex life? If you are, you may want to spice things up a bit in the bedroom. A great way to do so is to try new thing. Experimenting in the bedroom often brings new life to a relationship. It can also allow couples to reach new levels of pleasure.

When it comes to experimenting, many individuals and their minds automatically wander. It is important to remember that bedroom experimenting comes in a number of different formats. It doesn’t have to involve something that would be embarrassing if it leaked out and it doesn’t have to involve bringing in a third person. Experimenting in the bedroom can honestly mean something as simple as trying a new position.

Although many individuals, like you, want to experiment in the bedroom, many are afraid to approach their partner about doing so. Why? Because there is a certain level of fear associated with doing so. What if your partner thinks that they don’t please or satisfy you enough in the bedroom? What if your partner thinks that the sex is just fine the way it is? What if your sex partner thinks that you have a sick mind? These are all concerns that you may have, but you shouldn’t let that stop you.

If you do decide to approach the subject of experimenting in the bedroom with your partner, you will want to be gentle with your approach. Your partner may automatically believe that he or she isn’t pleasing enough for you. Although this may not be what you mean, it is still a likely and natural assumption. If your partner asks you, be sure to calm their fears. Let them know that you think that experimenting in the bedroom could not only increase your pleasure and satisfaction, but theirs as well. This approach tends to work nicely.

As it was previously stated, when many individuals hear the phrase “experimenting in the bedroom,” their minds often wanders to embarrassing and sometimes humiliating experiences. If you are just looking to try a new sex position, introduce pleasure enchasing sex toys, or romantic movies, be sure to let your partner know immediately. Do not give him or her the opportunity to even think that you mean something different. Doing so can change the way that your partner looks at you, both inside and outside of the bedroom.

In addition to letting your partner know what changes you would like to make in the bedroom, give them the opportunity to express their wants, needs, and desires. This is a simple, yet important step to take. First, it is important to remember that intimacy should involve two people receiving maximum pleasure, not just one. Next, it will help bring reassurance to your partner that you are not just looking to increase your pleasure. Asking what your partner’s wants and needs are in the bedroom will go to show that you want to improve the overall experience, not just yours.

Despite the fact that experimenting in the bedroom may sometimes be a difficult subject to approach, it is one that you will want to talk about. A healthy sex life is an important component of any relationship and marriage. By approaching the subject carefully, you and your partner can soon be having wild, yet pleasurable sex in no time at all.

Does Your Sex Life Need Improving: Signs That It May

Are you in a relationship? If you are, are you currently happy, in terms of sex? Of course, it is important to make sure that you and your partner get along, have a good time together outside of the bedroom, and do not argue, but intimacy should not be ignored.

To help you determine if your sex life needs improving, please continue reading on, as a few signs that it may are highlighted below.

You don’t have sex. Not being intimate with your partner is a good sign that your sex life could use a makeover. Before proceeding any farther, it is important to determine why you and your partner are not being intimate. Do you not feel the need to be? Is your work or family getting in the way? Determining the route of your problem is the best way to fix it.

In keeping with not being sexually active, the same rules do not apply to you if you are not in a relationship. If you are not in a relationship, but if you want to experience intimacy, there are a number of steps that you will want to take. First, you will want to find someone who is compatible with you. To do so, use an online dating service, a speed dating service, or ask someone that you know to set you up on a date.

If you do have sex, how often do you have it? Not being intimate with your partner enough is another sign that your sex life may need improving. When determining what is the appropriate amount of times to be intimate, you will find that it depends. A number of factors, like your children and your work schedule, should be taken into consideration. With that said, learn how to make time for intimacy, as it is an important component of having a healthy and happy relationship.

Another common sign that your intimacy may need improving is if the sex that you do have is dull, boring, and no longer exciting. Once it becomes a chore to you or it seems like a responsibility that you must perform, action should be taken. To have a happy and healthy relationship, intimacy is important. With that being said, not just any intimacy will do. You should get excited about going to the bedroom with your partner and you should end the event satisfied.

If you and your partner are growing distant, it could be a sign that your sex life needs to improve. Why? As previously stated, intimacy is an important component of having a healthy relationship. Although a relationship should not revolve around sex, it should be an important part of it. If you and your partner are growing distant, consider using the bedroom to make improvements. When you do so, you may end up seeing the rest of your relationship properly fall into place.

If any of the above mentioned signs or situations apply to you and your love life, you may need to make a few changes. The good news is that it is easy to go about doing so. If you can’t seem to find the time to be intimate with your partner, make time, even if you must stay up later or get up earlier. If your sexual encounters are dull and boring, consider experimenting. A new position or the use of sex toys may be just what your relationship needs.

Do You Have a Happy Sex Life? Signs That You May

Many couples are often curious about their sex life and how it compares to the sex life of others. In all honesty, you are able to determine, on your own, if your sex life is good, happy, and healthy. With that said, there are some common signs that you may want to look for. These signs, a few of which are outlined below, often signal a happy and healthy sex life. Are you receiving the ultimate level of satisfaction?

Sign #1 – You Have a Healthy Relationship

Couples who have a healthy relationship use communication with each other and often. They are able to let their partners know when something is bothering them. Each partner understands that their relationship involves two fully committed individuals. Couples with happy and healthy sex lives often do not have unrealistic expectations or make excess demands on their partners.

Sign #2 – Experimentation in the Bedroom

Experimenting in the bedroom is another sign that you may have a happy and healthy sex life. Of course, this does not mean that you and your partner have to become the next big adult movie stars, but experimentation can improve your sex life significantly. It is also important to remember that experimentation comes in a number of different formats. It can be something as simple as having sex at a different time of the day, in a different part of the house, or extended foreplay sessions. Fantasies and fetishes are fun and okay, but only if both parties agree to them. Be sure to consult with your partner before going “overboard.”

Sign #3 – Sex is Given Freely

In many relationships, especially long-term relationships, sex can be seen as a chore. This isn’t how it should be. Sex should be something that you and your partner want, not a responsibility that needs to be fulfilled. If you and your partner are open to both spontaneously engaging in the act, you may have a happy and healthy sex life. When you have sex because you want to, as opposed to because it is your “job,” maximum benefit and pleasure is achieved.

Sign #4 – Sex Becomes a Regular Part of the Relationship

It is no secret that having an active sexual relationship can be difficult. With raising families, working, and other common duties, sex can often take a back seat. Another sign that you may have a happy and healthy sex life is if you don’t let your day to day responsibilities and duties get in the way of having sex. Regardless of how busy you are, if you still find time to have sex with your partner, you have a healthy sex life. Just be sure to remember that sex doesn’t have to be scheduled. In fact, spontaneous sex can do wonders for a relationship.

Sign #5 – Sex is more than Just an Act

Contrary to what most people believe, sex is more than just having intercourse. An important component of having a happy and healthy sex life is that of engaging in foreplay. Foreplay can be something as simple as holding hands or giving a relaxing massage. Love notes, kind gestures, and doing something that your partner may not expect on a daily basis are all easy ways to keep your partner interested in you, both emotionally and physically. You have a healthy and happy sex life when the romance continues on long past intercourse has come to an end.

So, do you have a happy and healthy sex life? If a number of the above mentions signs describes your relationship with your significant other, there is a good chance that you do.

Even if you have a happy and healthy sex life now, it is important to remember that things may change. Remember that as time passes, it may be easier to let sex impact your relationship negatively. Be sure to always keep an open line of communication with your partner, especially where sex and their needs are concerned.

Can Losing Weight Help Improve Your Sex Life?

Are you a woman who is unhappy in the bedroom? If you are, there are likely a number of reasons for your unhappiness. Despite the possibility of a number of causes, do you think that your weight may be to blame? If you are overweight or obese, it may be.

Since you now know that your weight may have an impact on your sex life, you may be curious what weight loss can do for you. It is really possible to improve your intimacy with weight loss? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always the same, as it tends to vary. Weight loss and its impact on your sex life will honestly all depend on you and your own personal situation.

For starters, many women make the mistake of believing that their lost weight resulted in better sex. It can, but did you know that many women are just deceiving themselves? Being intimate with your partner may feel better and result in more pleasure, but it honestly may be due to an increase your self-confidence levels. Women who lose weight do see an increase in self-confidence. This extra confidence often allows women to enjoy it better. What does this mean? It means that the sex may be the sale ole sex you have been receiving for years, but it just feels better now.

Another impact that your ability to lose weight may have on your sex life is your ability to experiment in the bedroom. Experimentation is a key to keeping your relationship “hot.” One type of experimentation that you may want to try is a new sex position. Has your weight previously kept you from being creative? If so, now is your time to shine. Show your partner that you now have moves that you never even thought of trying before.

In keeping with experimenting in the bedroom, it is important to know that experimentation comes in a number of different formats. One other format is that of role playing. As previously stated, weight loss gives may women confidence. You may now have the confidence to have sex with the lights on, wear sexy lingerie, or a full-blown costume. These large steps can do wonders for your relationship, both inside and outside of the bedroom.

It is also important to take your partner into consideration. Unfortunately, this is not something that many women take into consideration. If you were to lose weight, there is a good chance your partner will like the improvement. Yes, your husband most likely loves and worships you now, but there is still something attractive about women who take steps to better themselves, especially in terms of appearance. If you do decide to lose weight, let your husband know that you lost the weight for them and to better your sex life. They will not only be proud of you, but they may also be turned on.

Since there is a good chance that your sex life will improve with weight loss, you may be interested in starting a weight loss plan today. If so, go ahead and do so. Use your need for improved intimacy in the bedroom as a source of motivation. When you can envision yourself thin and in the bedroom having an amazing time with your husband, you may find it much easier to lose weight, as well as exciting. Speaking of which, remember that a healthy diet and a strong exercise plan are needed.

The more weight you have to lose, the more your sex life may improve. With that said, be sure to use your best judgment. If you are average or thin, weight loss is not needed and can be dangerous. If you are seriously overweight, consider talking to your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise plan. Losing weight to improve your sex life is important, but don’t put your body at risk just receive extra satisfaction in the bedroom.

Can Yoga Really Help You Have Better Sex?

Are you a woman who is looking to improve your sex life? If you are, you may automatically start thinking of new ways for you to experiment in the bedroom. Of course, trying new things will likely prove to be successful, but did you also know that there is a much easier and much more relaxing approach that you can take? There is and that approach is called yoga.

So yoga and sex? If you are wondering what the connection is, you are not alone. Many women automatically think that there can’t be a connection there. This is because exercise and sex often aren’t too activities that are used in the same sentence. But, it is important for you to know that yoga can help you have better sex.

In fact, do you have any idea how many people recommend yoga for improved intimacy? A lot of people do. These people include women, just like you, their sex partners, fitness instructors, and medical professionals. If all of these people say there is a connection between better intimacy and sex, they must be right.

What it is important to remember is that being fit in general is likely to give you more self-confidence. When your self-confidence levels are high, your satisfaction in the bedroom will automatically increase. It will still actually increase even if the sex doesn’t change at all! How amazing is that?

Practicing yoga and exercising in general can also give you a better awareness of your body. This is important to having a good sex life. You may notice things about your body when you do aerobics, yoga, or just stretch. You can begin to better understand your body, its flexibility, and your limits. This alone can help to improve your sex life.

The art of yoga relies on body awareness, body movement, and breathing. Many experts claim that these three components are important to having healthy intimacy levels. In fact, did you know that your sex life with yoga will improve even if it wasn’t your goal or the main purpose for you taking up yoga? That is also pretty neat.

As previously stated, when you have better body awareness, you are more likely to enjoy sex. Body awareness is one of the many foundations that yoga is built on. Being aware of your body can help to give you a better image of yourself, which can, in turn, increase your sex drive and ignite passion.

As for the breathing of yoga, it is so much more than just taking a breath while sitting on the couch at home. The breathing that yoga calls for actually helps to make your spine and your pelvis stronger. What does this mean for intimacy? It can result in better action and movement. You may find yourself being able to have sex longer. Your ability to try new sex positions successfully also improves.

Despite the fact that yoga is often referred to as a “woman’s workout,” it isn’t. More men are starting to enjoy yoga now than before. Why? Perhaps, it has to do with what yoga can do for your sex life. After all, all men and women want to achieve maximum pleasure in the bedroom. If your boyfriend or husband is one of those men, and they should be, convince them to try yoga with you. You may very will find yourself going at it in the shower or heading to the bedroom immediately following a yoga session.

5 Ways to Improve Your Intimacy with Your Husband

Are you married? If you are, you likely love your husband. With that said, love isn’t always enough to keep a relationship going strong. Intimacy is very important to having a strong, happy, and healthy relationship.

How is your life in the bedroom? Do you think that your sex and intimacy can be improved? If so, you may be nervous about discussing the subject with your husband. After all, your husband may wrongly get the impression that they don’t satisfy you anymore. If you are interested in improving your intimacy with your husband, there are still a number of other, different approaches that you can take. A few of these approaches are touched on below.

1 – Date

If you and your husband have been married for a while, there is a good chance that you haven’t gone out on a date in a while. Many married couples get to a point in their relationship that is commonly called “the comfort zone.” This zone is not one that you want to be in, as your relationship may feel more like a friendship. To prevent this from happening, ask your husband out on a date.

Although many wives believe that their husbands should do the date asking, you sometimes have to take hold of the situation yourself. Now may be one of those times. Choose an activity that is romantic, such as a romantic comedy for a movie or a nice restaurant. This can help to spark a little bit of romance and passion in your relationship, which may lead to better and closer intimacy at home.

2 – Show Romantic Gestures

When it comes to “wowing,” in a relationship, women sometimes think that men should do it. You will also want to “wow,” your husband, like you did the first time that you met. One of the easiest ways to do so is by performing a number of romantic gestures. When out shopping with your husband, grab their hand and hold it. When walking by them in the house, give them a quick kiss. Sending a love note to work with them is another romantic gesture that you may want to try.

3 – Be Sexy and Seductive

If your marriage enters into the above mentioned comfort zone, sex and intimacy may seem like a thing of the past. If you do have sex, it may seem more like a responsibly, a chore, or even work. To help reduce these feelings, be sexy and seductive. Do not wait for your husband to initiate sex and do not ask if your husband is up for it first, just get right down to business. Strip for your husband or simply just remove their clothes. Snuggle next to them on the couch and just start massaging their whole body. You may be surprised just how easy and effective it is to be sexy and seductive.

4 – Be Spontaneous

As it was previously stated, do not ask your husband if he wants to have sex and do not wait for him to start. Instead, take matters into your own hands. Whether you start with a little bit of foreplay or jump right into the intercourse, do so. Your husband should like the surprise. Also, remember that being spontaneous involves having sex at different times of the day, as well as in different locations of the house.

5 – Offer to Experiment In the Bedroom

To improve sex and intimacy it is important to know that a change can do you good. You may want to suggest to your husband that you experiment in the bedroom or take them up on their suggestion to do so. Remember that experimenting in the bedroom doesn’t have to mean getting an additional sex partner or doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable. A new sex position may be just what your relationship needs.

As you can see, there are a number of easy ways that you can go about improving your intimacy with your husband. So what are you waiting for? Get started today.

4 Easy Ways to Spice Up Things in the Bedroom

Are you in a relationship that seems as if it is stalled in the bedroom? If so, your first thought may be to terminate the relationship. But, what if your relationship is long-term? What if you are married? What if you really do love your partner? What steps should you take then?

When it comes to being unhappy in the bedroom, it is important to know that ending a marriage or a relationship should only be used as a last approach. Instead, you will want to take steps to spice things up. Doing so may improve more than just your intimacy, but it may do wonders for your relationship in general.

As nice as it is to hear that you can and should spice things up and in the bedroom, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. If that is the case, please continue reading on. Below, four easy ways that you can spice things up in the bedroom, are covered.

1 – Engage in Foreplay

When you do have sex, what happens? Do you and your partner get right down to business? If you do, that may be a huge problem. Unfortunately, many couples do not realize that intimacy is more than just about having sex. It is also about having a happy and healthy relationship. If you rely on sex to make your relationship succeed, there is a very good chance that it will actually fail.

If you and your partner don’t already engage in foreplay, start doing so. Also, remember that foreplay doesn’t have to start in the bedroom. Call your lover, send a text message, or a handwritten note expressing your desires to get intimate with them later on.

2 – Be Spontaneous

When you want to have sex, what do you do? If you actually take the time to ask your partner if they want to be intimate with you, you may be doing more harm than good. Asking first can make being intimate seem more like a chore than something that should bring you pleasure. The next time that you want to move to the bedroom, don’t ask first. Just lead your partner there. In fact, who needs a bedroom?

Know that being spontaneous is about more than not talking about sex first. Ways that you can be spontaneous with your partner is to have sex at a different time, date, or place.

3 – Talk About Your Fantasies

One of the biggest reasons why couples have problems with sex is because one person isn’t having their desires fulfilled. If that is the case with you? Does your partner know what you like or what you want to get out of being intimate? If not, it is time for you to let them know.

Be sure to talk to your partner about your sexual fantasies and desires. What would you like to try in the bedroom? In addition to expressing your wants, needs, and darkest fantasies, be sure to let your partner do the same. Remember that both of you should walk away from an intimate encounter pleased.

4 – Experiment in the Bedroom

Another one of the easy ways that you can spice up things in the bedroom is by experimenting. When doing so, you may be pleased with all of your options. For starters, you can try a new sex position. This may not only lead to extra pleasure, but fun and excitement. Sex toys, romantic or pornographic videos, and role playing are other good ideas for experimenting in the bedroom.

Remember that experimenting in the bedroom is a good way to spice up your intimacy, but be sure to use your best judgment. It may be a wise decision to first discuss making changes with your partner, as you will not want to make him or her feel uncomfortable.

So there you have it! You know have a few ideas on how you can go about spicing up things in the bedroom. So what are you waiting for? Get started today.

Exercising Properly

There are two main types of exercise that you can do - aerobic and anaerobic. The first one, aerobic, means with oxygen. Aerobic type exercise has an important distinction, it burns fat as the main fuel.

Anaerobic on the other hand, burns sugar as the main source of fuel. Despite common myths, exercise doesn't have to be drastic in any way to provide massive benefits. Even if you choose light exercise, you will still burn fat.

Light exercise will clear out lactic acid, which is a waste of the body, and stimulate your cells to regenerate. To be sure that you are burning fat rather than sugar, it's very important to make sure that you are doing several things as you exercise.

The most important thing you can do as you exercise is breathe deep. You should always breathe in deep into your stomach through your nose, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale hard through your mouth.

Second, you should make sure that you exercise at a comfortable level. You should exercise at a level of 7 out of 10, and still be able to carry on a normal conversation while you exercise. You should do this for 45 minutes or so each day, then you'll begin to notice just how much your energy will explode.

Even if you don't think you have the time to exercise, rest assured that there is always time. If you have to, use the time that you would normally spend sleeping. With exercising, you'll actually need less sleep than before.

You can also use the time of your lunch break to exercise as well. The increase in productivity will have you more on the ball, and you can save your time through the dramatic increase in your overall productivity.

Cellularise, or rebounding, is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise there is. If you have access to a rebounder, you shouldn't hesitate to use it. Use any break you have at work to engage in some type of movement and deep breathing.

Any type of exercise you do will strongly benefit your heart. It will make it a stronger and larger organ. Deep breathing will help your lungs become stronger and larger as well. There is research now that links exercise to helping benefit and almost prevent each and every type of disease or ailment.

Movement of the joints will promote proper blood flow and create energy, as sitting down all day will rob your body of much needed energy. If you sit down all day, it's very important that you promote blood flow, circulation, energy, brain flow, and the strength of your heart. With just a little bit of your time devoted to exercise, you'll find yourself healthier than you have ever been in the past.

Water And Exercise

The human body is made up of over 75% of water, and as we all know, we cannot live without water. The fact is, we can only survive for a total of 3 days without water. Water has however, been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments. Keep in mind that water is a healthier and necessary for leading yourself towards a better health and longevity.

Your own personal need for water can vary greatly due to exercise, weight, and temperature. Research has proven that over 2/3 of adults don't get the water they need on a daily basis. By drinking water on a regular basis you can replenish your body and keep it well hydrated and functioning as it should be.

A majority of us wait until we are thirsty before we drink water. Keep in mind, this way isn't a reliable gauge of the water needs for the body. By the time you are thirsty you have already lost two of more cups of the body's water supply. Therefore, drinking water regularly is much better than simply waiting until you are thirsty.

It is very important that you don't substitute beverages with alcohol and caffeine for water. The reason behind this is that those types of beverages act as a diuretic and can cause you to lose more weight through increased urination. You may think and feel as if you are getting more water through these beverages, although the fact is that you are letting it go almost as fast as you consume it.

Anytime you exercise, you need more water. Due to perspiration, your body will lose quite a bit of water. For each pound lost due to exercise, you need to drink 2 cups of water. Even when you lay down to sleep, your body loses water. By drinking a glass or more of water before you go to sleep, you can wake up with your body functioning as it should be.

It should become more obvious that when you are sick you'll need more water than any other tine. When you get a cold or the flu, your body can become dehydrated quite quickly. You can help to prevent this by drinking more water at times when you become sick.

There are several mixed opinions as to whether purified water will actually provide benefit. This is a subject you should explore yourself as you determine the best type of water for yourself.

Always make it a habit to drink water on a daily basis. You should keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink it throughout the day. You should also teach yourself to drink water instead of other beverages that don't replenish the nutrients your body needs.

Reasons To Exercise

Many us need to follow an exercise program, in order to remain healthy. Below, you'll find several good reasons why you should start exercising now.

1. Contributes to fat loss
It is well proven from scientific research all over the world that physical exercise contributes to weight loss. If you burn more calories than you consume through nutrition, you'll lose weight. When you exercise, you burn more calories than when you don't. It's really simple - the more you exercise, the more weight or fat you'll lose.

2. Prevent disease
The chances of developing several various diseases has been proven to decrease when exercising. These diseases include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and the stroke.

Around 4 out of 5 deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to factors that include stress and lack of exercise. We all know that diabetes increases the chance for heart attacks and strokes. What this shows, is that many of the risk factors and diseases caused by not exercising are working in conjunction to damage your health. To prevent
this from happening, start exercising.

3. Improving disease
Many severe and minor diseases can be improved or even healed through regular exercise. These even include the diseases listed above. By following a regular plan, you can also decrease HDL cholesterol levels, decrease triglyceride levels, and decrease your blood pressure as well.

Exercising on a regular basis will also reduce the risk of prostate cancer for men, breast and uterine cancer for women, and much more. All of this is scientifically proven, which is why you should start exercising today.

4. Enhance your state of mind
Everyone knows from the many scientific studies that regular exercising will lead to an increased release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals will fight depression and make you feel happy. The body releases these endorphins only 12 minutes into the workout.

There is another chemical known as serotonin that is increased during and after a workout. The increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well being and decreased mental depression. The chemical can also help you sleep better at night.

5. Enhance your wellness
When you are in great shape and well fit, you'll have more energy and you'll notice that your overall mood is improved. You will have experienced that you can stretch beyond your own limits and you know that you can do more than you thought possible.

6. Persistence
Exercising regularly will give you more energy, which can help you be more productive at home and at work. Exercising can help give your new goals a sense of purpose and give you something to focus on and aim for. This can help you increase your persistence and prevent you from going off track while you aim for your goal.

7. Social capabilities
After a workout on a regular basis you can boost your self esteem. This can help you look better and you'll be more comfortable as well. Exercise will also help you to become more active and meet new people, which will prevent you from feeling isolated and unsupported. Exercise will also increase your interests in sex, and can help you to improve your marriage or your partner relationship.

After knowing all of these tips and reasons to exercise, you shouldn't hesitate to get out there and exercise. You can exercise at home or go out there and join a gym. There are several different ways that you can exercise, all you have to do is select a few that you like. Take a little bit of time out of your day and start exercising - you'll feel better than ever before and your body will thank you.

Quit Smoking With Exercise

When you decide to stop smoking, you'll bring on other changes in your life as well. Smoking is a very addictive habit, meaning that it is very hard to quit. There are a lot of changes that take place, although exercise can be a big help to you when you decide to quit.

Try to set a new routine, such as working out or going to the gym. If that isn't possible, you should try waking up earlier and going for a short walk. If you can turn that walk into a run or a jog, it is going to be very stimulating and the best way that you can start your day.

Keep in mind that exercise doesn't really mean pumping metal. If you don't have the time to stop by the gym every day, then it isn't really that big of a problem, as you can always choose to workout at home.

Whether you choose to workout at home or at a gym, you should always remember that regularity is the key. It isn't getting started that's the difficult part, it's sticking to a regular exercise program that is difficult and proves to be stumbling block for most people.

Some people have a great start. They will buy track suits, gym wear, running shoes, and a lot of other gear, so their first day at the gym is almost like a celebration. As the days go by, they find it very difficult to meet the demands and their routine will slow down a lot and finally come to a complete exercise burnout.

One mistake that several people make is choosing the evenings to exercise. If evenings fit your lifestyle, then it's fine. For most people however, the evening hours are when they are completely pooped. By the evening most of us are drained, and simply too tired for exercise. Therefore, it is always best to set some time aside for exercise in the morning.

In the morning, wake up a half an hour or so earlier, put on your shoes, and hit the road. Most roads are less crowded in the morning and less polluted as well, making it a wonderful and relaxing way to start the day.

You should also steer clear from the coffee and try tea instead. If you are moving around in the house, try playing music. You can also redecorate your room by adding a few pictures around. When you redecorate, you should get rid of everything that reminds you of smoking.

Plan your day where you'll have something fun to do at the end of the day. It doesn't need to be something that involves money, as you don't want to end up bankrupt. Spending time with family, playing games, or going for a walk with your family are all good activities.

Watching television doesn't really fit into the list. The reason is because television isn't
something that demands a lot of attention. You can easily do something else while you are watching television.

You should also make a list of things that build up your stress and try to avoid them. If it isn't possible, you should try to find out some some ways to bust stress and use them. Whatever you do, you shouldn't use stress as an excuse to start smoking.

There are many other methods that you can use to beat stress. You can try breathing exercises, mediation, or even music. Another great way to beat stress is using the distressing ball. If you don't have one or access to one, you can always wiggle your fingers and toes. This too is a great and natural method to beat stress.

Exercise For Diabetics

The most common types of diabetes are known as Type 1 and Type 2. The Type 1 diabetes, which is also known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2 in the sense that the body will stop producing insulin altogether. Type 2 diabetes is normally diagnosed in older adults and occurs as the body stops producing enough insulin or the individual becomes resistant to their own body insulin.

No matter what form of diabetes it is, you'll lose your ability to adequately utilize sugar. The blood sugar levels will increase due to the body's difficulty in transporting sugar into the cells and out of the blood stream. There are several ways to lower your blood sugar levels, including diet, exercise, and medication.

As a whole, exercise is a very important part of diabetic management for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Those that have Type 1 will find regular exercise helps to maintain insulin sensitivity, helps to prevent the accumulation of excess weight, and also increases the use of glucose by muscles. Although there is really no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes, it is possible to prevent Type 2 diabetes.

The things to consider when you attempt to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes are regular exercise supplementation with vitamins and herbs that will help to prevent insulin resistance and proper control of weight.

Not only with exercise help directly with diabetic management by lowering blood sugar levels and maintaining insulin sensitivity, but it will also help minimize several of the complications that can occur in a diabetic individual. Research has shown that walking 30 minutes each day can diminish the possibility of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Almost all diabetics tend to develop circulatory problems and exercise can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation throughout the body. Seeing as how people with diabetes tend to have poor blood flow to their lower areas and feet, better circulation is a great benefit.

Even though there are risks associated with exercise, the potential benefits will outweigh
the risks. Exercise does indeed lower blood sugar levels, so those with diabetes should measure their blood sugar both before and after they exercise. Since your body uses more sugar while you exercise and makes you more sensitive to insulin, there is a risk of blood sugar becoming too low and causing hypoglycemia as a result.

Whenever you exercise, it is important to let others know that you are diabetic. They should also be informed about what they should do in case of hypoglycemia. To be on the safe side, you should always carry candy or fruit juice with you to treat low blood sugar when it occurs.

During and after you have exercised, you should pay very close attention about how you feel, since rapid heart beat, increased sweating, feeling shaky, or hunger can signal that your blood sugar levels are getting too low.

With diabetic management and treatment, exercise is very important. Exercise will help with blood sugar control when the muscles use more glucose and the body becomes more sensitive to insulin. Exercise will also help to prevent and minimize common diabetic complications which include heart problems, high blood pressure, and circulatory deficiencies.

If you are a diabetic, exercise should be part of your daily routine. You should always exercise at a slow pace and never overdo it. Also, you should be sure to exercise around people you know or at a gym, so there will always be people around you in case something goes wrong. Being a diabetic doesn't have to hinder your life or your performance, as exercise can help you get your life back on track and heading in the right direction -the healthy direction.

Exercise Back Pain Away

According to past research and studies, nearly 80% of all Americans will experience some type of back pain in their lives. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons believes this as well, as they say 80% of us out there will encounter some type of problem with our back before we die.

Traditionally, the treatment for lower back pain is increasing core strength to increase flexibility on muscles that are tight, which will provide better stabilization of the spine and exercises to correct the imbalances of the muscles. The muscles that surround the spine will provide stability and support of the spinal column.

Every muscle between the hips and shoulders are included as well, as these muscles are referred to as the core muscles. Back pain can be a result of muscle imbalances caused by any of these core muscles. If the back of your thighs are weaker than the front of your thighs, there will be an uneven pull on the front of your spinal column.

There are some effective ways that you can integrate core strength training exercises into all of the exercises you perform, rather than doing just the traditional crunches and sit-ups. One such way is by breathing effectively. Deep breathing will utilize your diaphragm muscles which will help support the spinal column and lengthen the spine,
which is great for your lower back and supporting you when you walk or run.

The tummy tuck and bridge lift can also help you to reduce back pain and strengthen the core muscles as well. The tummy tuck exercise is a simple pelvic tilt that draws the abdominal muscles away from the floor. Do perform a tummy tuck, simply lie face down on the floor and squeeze your glutes to strengthen your spine.

Instead of pressing into your thighs, you should instead reach your tailbone down towards your heels. Perform 15 reps of each exercise and alternate them until you have completed a couple of sets.

For the bridge, place your feet on a bench or on the floor and scoop your pelvis upward, as your rib cage should stay low to reduce any irritation to your spinal muscles. The bridge will help to relieve stress on your back and focus the muscle contractions into the glutes and the hamstrings.

Other exercises for lower back pain are the lumbar side stretch, hip flexor stretch, and calf stretches, as all three can help to alleviate pull on your spinal column.

Hip flexor stretch
When doing a hip flexor stretch, bring one foot forward in a bent knee, 90 degree angle, while your other leg is on the floor behind you with your foot pointed upwards toward the ceiling. The hip flexor stretch will help to open up the muscles of your back on the side of the spine near your hips. You can also squeeze your glutes as well to deepen the stretch with each breath you exhale. You should begin to feel a stretch in your back leg, in the thigh front and the hamstrings
on your front leg.

Lumbar side stretch
This stretch will bring your legs wide with your knees bent while you sit or stand. Simply bring one hand down towards your foot on the inside of the thighs and your other hand behind your head.

The last stretch will open up your Achilles tendon, which is the most distant pull on the spine. For this, place an object under your foot and lean the weight of your body forwards. Maintain a fluid breath while you hold stretches for 30 seconds or so. After a while, you should begin to feel a stretch behind your knee and shin.

Exercise And Stress

Even though exercise may not be the most exciting word in your vocabulary, it sure is a word with a lot of benefits. Participating in daily exercise will not only make you healthier in general, but it can also diminish the effects of stress on your body as well.

Think about all the times you have heard someone say "the doctor says it's stress related". Normally people will laugh it off, concluding that doctors say that when they don't know the real answers or diagnosis. The truth of the matter is that too much stress will play a role in many diseases.

To help increase your immune system and decrease your stress level as well, try exercise, as movement is the key word here. Bending, stretching, reaching and walking. There's really no need to buy any expensive equipment either, as you can implement more movement into your daily routine and reap the benefits.

If you like aerobic exercise, you should grab a partner and have a blast with one of the basic aerobic videos. Or, you can simply go out for a walk and enjoy spending time together. As you may have heard, walking really is the best overall exercise you can do for your health. As long as you have a pair of walking shoes, you'll be fine.

As you go through your daily activities, make it a point to walk a little farther, bend down and pick something up without using a pick up stick or moving the item towards you with your foot. While you are sitting, you should also do some simple and quick stretches for your neck and shoulders.

If you enjoy sitting around watching television, you should consider buying a jogging board. These padded boards will make running, jumping, or walking in place less stressful on your knees and joints. They are easy to store as well and also very portable.

In many people's opinions, jogging boards are the best pieces of equipment you can buy. They are also far cheaper than bulky treadmills and stationary bikes.

There are several different exercises that you can do to help you eliminate the stress in your life. Walking is by far the best, as you can easily lose yourself and your troubles by
walking. Even if it is just around the block, walking can do wonders for your health as well as stress.

If you have a lot of stress in your life, you may want to consider a gym. Working out then sitting in the sauna is also a good way to relieve tension. If your gym has a pool, you may find swimming to be very beneficial as well, as it helps you to relax.

Exercise And Sleeping Better

The amount of physical exercise that you exert during the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you get a good sleep at night. The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are to relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality of sleep is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep will become smoother and more regular. By keeping up your physical activity during the day, you may find it easier to deal with the stress and worries of your life.

Research and studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel afterwards.

You should try and increase your physical activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you aren't full of energy at night.

Your body requires a certain amount of physical activity in order to keep functioning in a healthy manner. It is also important to note that you should not be exercising three or four hours before you go to bed.

The ideal exercise time is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to make sure you expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

You should attempt to exercise at least three or four times a week for a period of 30 minutes or so. You can include walking or something simple. If you prefer, you can include strenuous activities such as running as well.

The goal here is to increase your heart rate and strengthen the capacity of your lungs. By adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will help you to improve your overall health and help you emotionally as well.

Along with running and walking there are several other physical activities that you can add to your daily life to increase your level of physical activity. If you are battling not sleeping, you'll find aerobic exercise to be the best.

Your goal with exercise is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood stream. Overall, there are many types of aerobic exercise for you to choose from. The activities include running, biking, using a treadmill, dancing, and jumping rope.

There are some non aerobic exercises that you may find beneficial to help you solve your amnesia problem.

Yoga is an exercise that has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, especially the brain. Yoga utilizes breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase the blood circulation to the brain, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. The regular practice of yoga will help you to relax as well as relieve tension and stress.

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient art of breathing and movement that was developed by the Chinese monks. The movements involved are slow and precise, which is ideal if you have joint pains or you are unable to participate in high aerobic exercises. Research has shown that Tai Chi can help with insomnia by promoting relaxation.

If you discover that you don't have any time to exercise on a regular basis, you should try to sneak moments of activity into your schedule. Whenever possible, you should take the stairs instead of the elevator, as little things like that will do wonders for your body.

You should also park your car around the corner and walk that extra block or two to get to your destination. As you may know, there are many small things you can add to increase the activity in your life. Your overall goal here is to have a healthy and well balanced life - with plenty of sleep.

Exercise And Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you can't exercise properly or safely. Contrary to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma tends to occur with people who are genetically or environmentally presdisposed to the condition.

Some of the triggers that may start or make an attack worse include exposure to allergens, viral respiratory infections, airway irritants, exercise, and exposure to things such as dust mites or cockroaches.

You can prevent asthma attacks by doing the following:
1. Bathe your pets weekly.
2. Don't smoke or permit smoking in your home.
3. When mold or pollent counts are high, you should stay inside with air conditioning.
4. Wash your bedding and any stuffed toys at least once per week in hot water.
5. Wash your hands every chance you get.
6. Get a flu shot.
7. Wear a scarf over your mouth and nose in the winter months.
8. Be proactive and know your triggers and how you should avoid them.

Now that you know what you know about asthma, you may be wondering where exercise fits in. As most doctors will tell you, you shouldn't give up on sports or exercise at all. You just have to be smart about how you play and take special pre cautions to avoid attacks.

Almost all doctors agree that the best way to prevent attacks during exercise is to keep your inhaler and medication close by. You should never use the inhaler more than 3 times during a game or exercise session. If you are up the previous night with coughing and wheezing, it's always best to go light with your exercise the next day.

For something known as IEA (Exercise Induced Asthma), the symptoms are somewhat different, in the fact that they appear after 6 - 10 minutes of exercise and will often be worse in cold or dry air.

If you have IEA, there are several activities that you can enjoy such as swimming, walking, biking, downhill skiing, and team based sports. There are many activities for you to choose from, to ensure you get the exercise you need as well.

Keep in mind that the condition of asthma isn't "all in your head", it is a real physiological medical treatment that will require treatment to prevent and treat. Even though your doctor will be your best friend in treating asthma, you are the one who can prevent your symptoms.

Always be smart, take your medication, and be proactive. Don't let it put you in a life of
misery - as you can enjoy exercise just like everyone else.

Eating And Exercise

Anytime you exercise, you do so in order to try and maintain good health. You also know that you have to eat as well, so your body will have the energy it needs to exercise and maintain for the everyday tasks of life. For making the best of your exercise, what you eat before and after you workout is very important.

No matter if you are going to be doing a cardio workout or a resistance workout, you should always make it a point to eat a balanced mix of protein and carbohydrates. What makes that determining percentage of carbs and protein you consume is whether or not you are doing cardio or resistance exercise and the intensity level that you plan to work at.

The ideal time for you to eat your pre workout meal is an hour before you start. If you plan to work at a low intensity level, you should keep your pre workout meal down to 200 calories or so. If you plan to exercise at a high level of intensity, you will probably need your meal to be between 4,000 and 5,000 calories.

Those of you who are doing a cardio session will need to consume a mix of 2/3 carbs and 1/3 protein. Doing so will give you longer sustained energy from the extra carbs with enough protein to keep your muscle from breaking down while you exercise.

For resistance exercise, you'll need to eat a mix of 1/3 carbs and 2/3 protein, as this will help you get plenty of energy from the carbs to perform each set you do and the extra protein will help keep muscle breakdown to a minimum while you exercise.

Eating after you exercise is just as important as your pre workout meal. Anytime you exercise, whether its cardio or resistance, you deplete energy in the form of glycogen. The brain and central nervous system rely on glycogen as their main source of fuel, so if you don't replace it after you exercise, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue into amino acids, and then convert them into usable fuel for the brain and the central nervous system.

Keep in mind that mostly during resistance exercise, you'll break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears. What this means, is that after a workout, your muscles will instantly go into repair mode. Protein is the key here for muscle repair, as you don't want muscle breaking down even further to create fuel instead of lost glycogen.

Once you have finished a cardio session, you'll need to consume mainly carbohydrates, preferably those with high fiber. Rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, and northern fruits are excellent sources. Also, try to consume 30 - 50 grams of there types of carbs after you exercise. After your cardio workout, it is fine to eat within 5 – 10 minutes.

Once you've finished a resistance workout, you will need to consume a combination of carbs and protein. Unlike cardio workouts, resistance workouts will break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears.

You'll need protein as this happens to build up and repair these tears so that the muscle can increase in size and strength. The carbs will not only replace the lost muscle glycogen, but will also help the protein get into muscle cells so it can synthesize into structural protein, or the muscle itself.

After your resistance exercise, you should wait up to 30 minutes before you eat, so that you won't take blood away from your muscles too fast. The blood in your muscles will help the repair process by removing the metabolic waste products.

Choosing the Right Exercise For You

The type of exercise you do all depends on you and what you like to do. What you hate doing, paying membership fees, and whether or not to buy equipment are all things you need to consider as well as answer.

If you choose something that you don't like to do, you aren't going to keep doing it for a long period of time. Give it some thought - if you don't like jogging, you aren't going to get up at 6 AM and go running. If you can't find something you like to do, choose something you hate the least, which will normally be walking.

Walking is great exercise, as it suits all levels of fitness. Anyone can start a walking program at any time, it's normally the intensity and duration that differs. Walking is also a social exercise, as it isn't difficult to find a training partner to chat with while you exercise. Walking with a partner will also make time go by faster.

No matter what exercise you choose, you should start at a low level of intensity and build it up over a period of weeks, which is essential to the longevity of your exercise program. If you start off too hard, you could end up with an injury which will require time off to get over.

If you are really in bad shape, you should start off by walking for 10 minutes each day. Then, increase it by 5 minutes every 2 weeks. To make things more interesting, you should try walking a different course every few days. You can also roster a different friend to walk with you each day of the week.

If walking isn't your thing, then you may want to try a fitness center. They have loads of variety and normally have trainers on hand to answer any questions you may have. When you choose a fitness center, make sure that they give good service.

If they aren't willing to treat you well before you join, then they certainly won't after you join. You should also make sure that the equipment they use is well taken care of. It's easy to find out, as all you have to do is listen to the machines. If they squeak a lot or make noise, then chances are they aren't being taken care of.

If you still aren't sure what you should do, then you should look into golf or tennis. Both are good social activities in most areas, and you can even meet new friends. Tennis is great for fitness although it isn't for someone who is just starting out. If you haven't exercised in a long time, then golf may be the best activity for you.

Children And Exercise

If you have a child of 6 to 8 years old that wants to start exercising and lifting weights, you may find yourself wondering what you should do. While some think it is perfectly fine for children to exercise, there are others that think differently.

The long and short of it is that yes, it is beneficial for your child to partake in exercise or a weight training regimen although there are a few things that you should keep in mind once this starts to happen.

No matter how you look at it, children aren't minature adults and therefore you can't use the same methods with growing children that you can use with adults, as children are different from adults emotionally, anatomically, and physiologically.

All children have immature skeletons, as their bones don't mature until they get 14 - 22 years of age. With girls, exercise during childhood can have very critical effects on bone health that can last for their entire lives.

Children are often times vulnerable to growth related overuse injuries such as Osgood schlatter disease. Children have immature temperature regulation systems due to their having a large surface area compared to their muscle mass which will cause them to be more susceptible to injury when they aren't properly warmed up.

Children don't sweat as much as adults do, so they will be more susceptible to heat exhaustion as well as a heat stroke. Due to their low muscle mass and immature hormone system, it makes it harder for them to develop strength and speed. Their breathing and heart response during exercise are also different from an adults, which will affect their capacity for exercise.

On the other hand, young boys and girls can drastically improve their strength with weight training although opposed to adults, neurological factors instead of muscle growth factors are mostly responsible.

When you consider programs for children, first and foremost you should obtain a medical clearance. The first approach to designing a program is to establish a repetition range of 8 - 12 and keep the work load appropriate for the range.

You should ensure that workouts are spread out enough to have at least 1 - 2 full days of rest between workouts. The main focus when working out should be on the form of every exercise performed, and not on the amount of weight being lifted.

Before weight training, warm up and stretching should be done. Start your children off with light loads and then make adjustments accordingly. No more than 3 non consecutive exercise sessions should be done in a week. You should also see to it that they drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Getting enough water is very important with exercise, as it is often times very easy to get dehydrated - especially with children.

Alcohol And Exercise

On Friday afternoon after you leave work, you probably think about going out and having a few drinks with friends to relax and wind down. Even though you may think you deserve to go out and have a few drinks, there are some things that you should certainly keep in mind.

Like any other day, tomorrow is going to be a day for exercise, and since you are exercising on a regular basis, a few drinks of alcohol won't really hurt anything, right? Before you decide to rush out to the local bar, there are a few things below that you should think about before you make your choice about going out to drink some alcohol.

Research has proven that even small amounts of alcohol with increase muscular endurance and the output of strength, although these types of benefits are very short lived. After 20 minutes or so, the problems will begin to surface. All of the negative side effects associated with alcohol will easily outweigh any possible benefits that it can have. No matter how you look at it, alcohol is a poison that can really harm your body if you aren't careful.

The negative side of alcohol can reduce your strength, endurance, aerobic capability, recovery time, ability to metabolize fat, and even your muscle growth as well. Alcohol will also have an effect on your nervous system and brain. If you use it long term, you can cause severe deterioration of your central nervous system. Even with short term use, nerve muscle interaction can be reduced which will result in a loss of strength.

Once alcohol reaches the blood cells, it can and probably will damage them. With alcohol users, inflammation of the muscle cells is a very common thing. Over periods of time, some of these cells that have been damaged can die which will result in less functional muscle contractions. Drinking alcohol will also leave you with more soreness of your muscles after you exercise, which means that it will take you a lot longer to recuperate.

Alcohol will also have many different effects on your heart and circulatory system as well. When you drink any type of alcohol, you may begin to see a reduction in your endurance capabilities.
Anytime you drink, your heat loss will increase, due to the alcohol simulating your blood vessels to dilate. The loss in heat can cause your muscles to become quite cold, therefore become slower and weaker during your muscle contractions.

Drinking alcohol can also lead to digestive and nutrition problems as well. Alcohol cause a release of insulin that will increase the metabolism of glycogen, which spares fat and makes the loss of fat very hard. Due to alcohol interfering with the absorption of several key nutrients, you can also become anemic and deficient with B type vitamins.

Because your liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, the more you drink, the harder your liver has to work. The extra stress alcohol places on your liver can cause serious damage and even destroy some of your liver cells.

Since alcohol is diuretic, drinking large amounts can put a lot of stress on your kidneys as well. During diuretic action, the hormones are secreted. This can lead to heightened water retention and no one who exercises will want this to happen.

If you must drink alcohol, you should do it in moderation and never drink before you exercise, as this will impair your balance, coordination, and also your judgment. Think about your health and how you exercise - and you may begin to look at things from a whole new prospective.